• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • PowerCrazy@lemmy.mltoSteam@lemmy.mlSteam is now banned in Vietnam
    7 days ago

    I don’t think steam is doing that the government of vietnam isn’t claiming they are banning steam for that reason. What is happening is that the government of vietnam is actively hurting their domestic video game developers because they have instituted onerous “government scrutiny” whereas if you want to publish on Steam it costs like $150 and an email address.

    The problem solely lies with the Vietnamese government, as a self-inflicted problem, no where else.

  • So if I publish a game on steam I am now a colonizer? If I am a Vietnamese citizen who downloads a game that hasn’t gone through “government scrutiny” am I now a collaborator? What if I am a Vietnamese game developer that has published directly to steam without giving a shit about whatever censorship my government is trying to implement? Should I be sent to reeducation?

  • Liberals can’t see beyond the next election (myopic). They also can’t see the results of 30 years of “voting blue no matter who,” so they lack the ability to learn.
    Meanwhile leftists have been saying since Marx that Capitalism is the problem, and voting for your favorite color of Capitalism isn’t beneficial to anyone but the Capitalist system. So yes there are that many myopic people, like yourself, who will not only vote for blue capitalism over literally any other action, but they will also come to explicitly leftists spaces and browbeat others to do the same.

  • Progress so far

    The South African government has started reforms to stimulate private investment in renewable energy infrastructure and establish a competitive electricity market. Before this, independent power producers had to go through a detailed, often lengthy process to get a generating licence.

    The government has removed licensing requirements for independent power producers, making it easier for them to launch and manage energy projects of any size. This aims to attract more independent producers to the energy market, fostering investment and innovation.

    Ah privatization, I’m sure it will work this time.