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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • Some people crave or have to have some kind of flavor with their liquids or they don’t want it. I have known multiple people who thought water tasted gross, which is somewhat legit because I had to get used to the different water taste when I went to school on the opposite side of town, but they just thought any kind of water was gross. They’d always have a soda or coffee or something.

    My issue isn’t flavor necessarily, its carbonation. But plain/unsweetened soda water is gross and soda streams aren’t worth it to make my own infused water.

  • Yeah, but that requires doing more than just doom posting, and we can’t have that now can we? /s

    So many of the things people bitch about could be lessened (not necessarily resolved, but ffs, perfect is the enemy of good) by getting involved locally and trying to make things better for themselves and their neighbors. Fuck, even working on 3rd party support locally while stemming the bleeding nationally until there’s real ground level support would be better, but I guess we gotta tilt at windmills nationally and ignore the local level to get shut done…