• 32 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I would say that our assessment of your stability comes from you dumping a bunch of baggage on internet strangers in a double checks - yep mildly interesting comm post. Seems like you’ve gone though a lot of shit in your life, and idk maybe you’re not neurotypical, but you need to slow the confession time down. All I came in this post with was the “mildly interesting” fact that your kid refused your wii. I thought the DNA comment in the body of the post was a joke. Now I’m waist deep in a telanovela that I did not tune in to. Use some discretion, or tell the whole story but maybe not here.

  • The nuance is that if they built the homeless shelters that are needed, there wouldn’t be “needles in the park and angry homeless people shouting” problems as the article states, because they wouldn’t be in the park where kids play. I get that you’re saying “some people don’t understand what it’s like to live with the burden, danger, and discomfort of homeless people,” but there is no argument for these bans that will ever be just imo.

    If it’s like the Midwest, I’m sure there’s a fucking empty ass mall or warehouse or dealership somewhere they can turn into a homeless shelter if one fucking capitalist would just hand it over to the public instead of holding on to it to owe less taxes.