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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • It’s an important point, because you presented it as a form of evidence that could be used to show when “it’s time” for everyone to switch to a third party, and then completely rejected it for that purpose right after. Which leaves us back at square one, which is that there is no means of coordinating a sudden switch or recognizing when such a switch would be viable. And without that, your whole position collapses.

  • All you care about is tone. It’s easy for you to be calm because you don’t care. Because you believe all the comforting lies the media tells you without ever digging into the truth, or trying to see things from the perspective of the oppressed.

    I’ve opened both my mind and my heart to understanding reality, and made an active effort to learn about these things and understand other perspectives. As a result, I have more historical knowledge than you. And I scream at you because I understand some small part of the pain and anger felt by people on the receiving end of your imperialism. On both counts, it’s because I understand the world better than you.

    It’s funny that criticizing my tone is your only response to my comment. That comment was the first one I made to you that actually engaged with your arguments beyond just calling you out for what you are.

    You liberals never want to have any kind of substantiative discussion. When I was just screaming at you for being the bloodthirsty imperialist you are, you made actual arguments. When I refuted all those arguments, you retreated behind tone. Maybe I should go back to just screaming if I want you to formulate an actual response, or I should engage more substantively if I want to drive you off.

  • The US is directly responsible for slaughtering countless numbers of each and you support it doing so. That’s what the US military does.

    I know your kind. You fancy yourself peace-loving because you’re polite about the slaughter, and conveniently the killing happens far away to people you’ve never met which makes it easy to ignore. You can’t possibly be racist or violent because you only support murdering people abroad, who don’t even register as people to you. The kinder, gentler machine gun hand. You hide your cruelty behind politeness and civility like a fucking vampire.

    the Russians who first got Afghanistan into the mess that it continues to be today?

    Wtf are you talking about? An invasion by a country that doesn’t even exist any more vs a 20 year long occupation that left hundreds of thousands dead for absolutely no benefit, and you expect me to care more about the former? Your jingoism is showing again.

    But hey, as long as we’re talking history, I have a little question on your next point:

    Well there was Saddam Hussein who really was the asshole dictator who systematically murdered and oppressed Iraqis and Kurds, very nasty guy who murdered in the tens of thousands at least.

    Why did Saddam Hussein have so much power in the first place? Could it have anything to do with the fact that your buddies were covertly supplying him with arms in the 80’s? While he was in the process of gassing civilians with chemical weapons, I might add.

    Again, in both cases, the US had decades to fix the damage it caused by arming Hussein and bin Laden. Instead they massacred and tortured innocent civilians, plundered the countries for all they were worth, and left them worse off than they’d been before (which is saying something considering how badly the US has fucked them over before).

    a) it’s not all the US 's fault

    Absolutely delusional. The US could stop everything that’s happening there with a phone call. Israel is nothing without the massive amounts of military support and funding from the US. I can’t tell whether you’re just saying something you know to be false for rhetorical purposes, or if you’ve really managed to reach that level of self-delusion.

    Either way, stop bothering me. I believe I’ve made my feelings towards you and everything you stand for abundantly clear.

  • I’m trying to have a normal reasoned conversation

    I’m not.

    but that is really hard with all the hate you’re spewing.

    Oh, I’m sorry, am I being too hateful towards mass murder? Stop hiding behind this veneer of politeness and face who you actually are.

    No-one is out to get you, least of all me.

    I know you’re not out to get me. You’re out to get Aghans and Iraqis and Palestinians and all the rest. That’s why I hate you.

    if buy you a beer to relax a little if I could.

    If you think alcohol would cause me to yell at bloodthirsty imperialists less, I have some bad news for you.

  • I’m not “cherry-picking” shit. With those words, you told me that you’re a bloodthirsty imperialist and the only thing you love more than the taste of boot is seeing the dead bodies of brown children. I’ve simply been responding to that in a proportionate manner.

    Answer the question: do you prefer being rules by Russia and or China or the US?

    I’d prefer you choke on that boot.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass about protecting US geopolitical interests. You may have their boot so far down your throat that you can’t tell where your interests end and theirs begin, but I don’t. None of that shit has anything to do with me. It’s entirely about their own profits.

    Russia and China are not going to invade the US. That’s completely delusional. I don’t have to choose.

    My only loyalty is to my class. The ruling class is my enemy, so naturally, the ruling class’s geopolitical enemies and I share a common interest. That doesn’t mean I want them ruling over me, it just means that I hate you more than them. And that’s natural, seeing as your side is the most aggressive, militaristic, imperialist, and bloodthirsty of any of them.

    Bootlicking psychopath.

  • That’s still complete nonsense. The Nordic countries also have publically owned industries, most notably, the oil industries responsible for much of their wealth. There’s as much of a case for them being socialist as there is for Russia, which is to say, not much of one at all.

    But to cite Russia’s past socialism as a reason to call it socialist now is by far the most absurd thing about this meme and your argument. The reason that socialist government doesn’t exist anymore is because it was destroyed and replaced by the current government. You might as well call the US monarchist because it used to be a British colony. It’s completely insane.

  • The point that I should lick the boots of the murderous monsters who killed hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan and are actively arming an ongoing genocide, all so they can protect their precious quarterly profits and buy off more senators? That point?

    I hope you someday find yourself on the receiving end of what you support, imperialist warmongerer.