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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • Nicoleism101@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGet in loser.
    4 hours ago

    Life teached me that it is easy to buy vulgar sex that makes you feel shitter but the thing you actually need money cannot obtain. Will you really feel better from screwing with some stranger on a one hour timer?

    I’d choose a friend and cuddles any time of the day or nothing at all.

    I have only seen anger and sadness in brothels

  • I yearn for a social media like Lemmy where such things are on the foreground instead of constant stream of shitposts, news comments and memes

    I mean I can tailor it of course but then there is nothing left usually.

    And don’t get me wrong I don’t think there is anything wrong with memes and shitposts and news angry commenting or that it is inferior and I am superior because I am not interested that much in it but just that it is everywhere and I feel like I am drowning in the sea of shit

    I don’t consider myself better or ‘above it’ but there’s just too much of that stuff and not enough of the second. I don’t get how you can scroll news community constantly and make angry comments day by day for example. It’s extremely boring. Dystopia shitposts and general memeing quickly gets boring too.

    It’s just that I think comments are super fun for discussion and when I see only these that hunt for gaining points (even here?!) while I have them turned off it’s just… ehh. I lose the will for interaction. I need some substance.

    I tried to tailor Lemmy but it ends up kinda empty without all the meme and shitpost and politics which are not bad inherently but just too much is too much you know

  • Nice but I always found glorification and excitement with violence jarring. Too many people have this righteous justice fetish where they just look for an excuse to shoot someone. Somehow most are from USA but it could just be a coincidence.

    Be like faramir “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” Violence and its tools isn’t to be excited about in itself. It just sometimes is a morbid reality when all else fails.

    Too many people would want to kill that thief excited to try out their new glock and too many people would applaud the doer.

  • It’s about the thousands of things you have your old gmail tied to. Yes I use forwarding to my new proton mail but sometimes it doesn’t work cause it went into spam or smh and I must open gmail.

    Sometimes also the icloud aliases stuff stops working and I don’t want my proton mail to be associated with too much ads so I again type the old mail…

    To be honest I was supposed to use proton but I use apple icloud aliases stuff most of the time because I don’t want to disclose my most important and secure email address on some trashy sites. So yeah that google switch didn’t work out all that good I guess I just changed the tech overlord. At least the new one didn’t want to monopolize the internet I guess

  • Keep coping but you are incredibly small minority and any sane person just laughs at you so you hide in some niche web communities like hexbear and yet you are still defederated from en masse

    There’s a sign there ‚hidden’ to reevaluate your life. If there’s smell everywhere you go…

    Have you ever considered that maybe… you are wrong? That maybe your idols Marx and Lenin weren’t such visionary geniuses?

    Personally my country had enough of communism for a few lifetimes. Socialism maybe, socialdemocracy yes. Progressiveness big yes. But communism? Get the fuck out from here literally. And I am not kidding. We polish people have this habit to shoot soviets.

  • I hear you, well that’s just plain depressing, hope it changes at some point. Sometimes it has to get worse to get better.

    When the illusion of a successful country dissipates that’s when the real changes can be introduced.

    Unrestrained capitalism will never solve your country mounting problems that one I am sure. At some point the problems will become too severe to brainwash even the most easily influenced voters. As long as they have it good or ok, they can be recruited but there’s a limit and populism is inherently short-sighted and thus short-lived. It’s akin to burst of anger out of denial that can’t survive long in it’s powerful but unstable state of constant crisis. Trump is a harbringer of change and a proof that we hate changes but there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them and those trumps and such only accelerate the inevitable societal progress. I wouldn’t say let him rule because this would be unfair to many people but it will eventually pass and will be a building block for the better tomorrow.

    There’s no power in the world that could bring back catholic medieval society at this point.