• 9 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Depends on a lot of things. If medicine like paracetamol can make you suffer less with little to no downsides, there’s no reason to avoid it. But other than that, I’m also in the same camp of letting the body do its work. Definitely things like antibiotics are more trouble than they’re worth in most cases.

  • This is firmly in the realm of semantic definition that most people don’t need to know IMO, definitely not in casual conversation. Like the precise botanical definition of a nut, ‘true crabs’ vs other kinds of crabs, and other such specialised definitions in various fields of study. For everyday discussion, broad labels are fine. Non-binary, agender, gender-fluid and maybe more that I’m ignorant of can all kinda be used interchangeably in most contexts and I think there’s nothing disrespectful in that. Expecting more is expecting too much.

    If talking with one’s therapist about it or in circles where this is a main topic of discussion, yeah precise terms are useful, but outside of that it’s fine to mix them up.

    I just felt this needed to be said. I’m absolutely in favour of people like you chiming in with the definition though, in the right context like here.

  • Oh, and I think the game bugged out. It does sometimes fail to generate a valid solvable board but I don’t think it happened that time because it would show a toast message and I don’t think I missed it. It didn’t show up in the toast history either.

    Shortly after this encounter I figured out that the generator has quirks for large boards, making a pattern. If you look at the fully solved board (embedded elsewhere in this comments section) you’ll notice that the outer edge of the board is always safe, and the left side of the screenshot has two full columns of safe squares. This turns out to be a repeating pattern (not of the mines, just the safe columns). The end result is that it’s no longer fun to play, so I turned off solvable boards and I’m now playing without. That’s how I got to today’s post.

    I think the generator incorrectly expected me to have the left edge. Or something weird like that. I played this game a lot and this was the only time I encountered something unsolvable when it should have been solvable.