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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • The ridiculousness of this is that out-of-print game libraries are already freely available online for no effort. Pirating games of the late 90s and early 2000s is trivial. This is yet another case where a legitimate use of software (academic research, preservation) is made more difficult than just simple emulation by broken DRM and copyright rules.

    Call me crazy, but if libraries and academics are legally prevented from preserving art while alleged “illegal piracy” is forced to do the bulk of game categorization, research and preservation I’d say your copyright system has thoroughly failed at its intended purpose.

  • That doesn’t seem to be the argument being made, though. It’s not “I need to emulate to do my job as an academic”, it’s “academic institutions can’t bypass DRM or make games remotely accessible for academic purposes”, emulation or no emulation.

    Which in turn is a big part of your second statement.

    The headline mentions emulation, and it certainly is the most effortless way to stream access to a different location, which is what the proposal is about, but that’s not the focus of the argument. The argument is about remote access for academic purposes.

  • A lot of the competitive RTS crowd transitioned to MOBAs and it’s hard to scratch that itch with an old-school RTS now. Having the full offline and online package was key of the time when those games were popular and you don’t get that when the competitive space has moved on.

    But you have a point. RTSs at their peak were super triple-A stuff, with mind blowing execution and production value for the time. Point and click adventures have a bit of the same problem, they used to be these massive technical showpieces and as a mid-size or indie thing they are a tougher sell when the modern equivalent of investment is going to absolutely insanely huge games in other genres. Even when a triple-A studio does one of those you tend to not get as much of a massive investment, and when you do (say, Total War: Warhammer, or even Manor Lords) they do see success. It’s just never going to be the same because you’re never going to call your friends over to show them Warcraft 2 running on your PC.

  • So my experience with ASUS is that they do do this, but they do all of it. To be clear, in the video they explain that once they rejected the outrageous charge for minor cosmetic damage they did get both the reported in-warranty fix and the unreported SD card reader damage fixed. The issue here is ASUS including language that suggests you will forfeit the warranty fix if you don’t accept the extra charges and attempting to charge you for superfluous fixes.

    The last time I had to send something to ASUS for a fix they insisted on very detailed up-front images and they did send a bunch of confusing emails like these, but they also did fix the issues after I just chose to ignore the incongruous automated email responses.

    Which is not to say I’m defending the practice. When I later had some RAM compatibility issues I chose to ping the RAM manufacturer first instead of ASUS because I knew ASUS’ processes would be more of a pain, which is 100% the intended outcome.

  • Ok, there is a real lesson here:

    In recent times, triple-A publishers have repeatedly had their lunch eaten — at least, in terms of mindshare — by more creatively nimble indies

    And that lesson is that online-obsessed, industry-focused journalists and fans have a super skewed view of the industry.

    Don’t get me wrong, all these layoffs suck and I agree with the sentiment that a longer term strategy for investing in games where you snowball up from small, successful ideas, is probably a better way to do things than trying to constantly chase the billion dollar game right away… but the “mindshare” argument is very skewed and the examples are cherry picked at best, tortured or outright incorrect at worst (Baldur’s Gate 3 and Elden Ring “come from similar lineages”? Seriously?).

    I think it’s time we take a deep breath and decide what we mean by “triple A”. If Grayson wants to argue that triple A is “American conglomerates spending a lot of money in games with some degree of games-as-service design meant to make billions” then maybe we need a new term for all the other games with nine digit budgets.

  • Nah, you have a point. There are a bunch of “2D soulslikes” that get advertised as “Metroidvanias”, and I wish we had better language to split that difference, because there’s a big conceptual shift between the “parry and dodge” souls style and the genuine Metroid/Castlevania style of movement and aggression. It feels very different and honestly the last time something scratched that itch it was Bloodstained.

    So yeah, Hollow Kinght is a very well made game, but it’s not what I’m looking for every time I fire up one of the DSvanias for yet another run.

  • MudMan@fedia.ioto4chan@lemmy.worldHe is a ghost
    15 days ago

    For the record, that’s as fine as any other hobby, as far as I’m concerned. Just as I don’t have any issues with… you know, survivalism as a hobby.

    On the aggregate, though, there IS a bit of a prepper power fantasy at play, I stand by that. Hey, I have tons of hobbies myself where I find the collective average lands in a super creepy place. If anything I think it’s a relief to acknowledge it. Gives you plausible deniability.

  • MudMan@fedia.ioto4chan@lemmy.worldHe is a ghost
    15 days ago

    Right? It’s kinda nuts how much this quixotic prepper-style power fantasy permeates some parts of the Internet. Hell, even that strip is conceding the basic point that there will be a cabal of evil people digging for all their super-important secret files at some point.

  • MudMan@fedia.iotoMemes@sopuli.xyzThey're the same picture
    16 days ago

    I mean, Goku’s best friend is a billionaire, his son is married to the most famous family on Earth who sometimes just hands him money and his wife is a princess. Also, he’s close personal friends with God, God’s boss, God’s boss’s boss and God’s boss’s boss’s boss.

    But other than that, this checks out.