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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Anarchists aren’t against all government at all cost, but about having the bare minimum authority to do so. It is about not enshrining positions of power that those psychopaths then go on to seek and jerrymander in to place. It is about creating structures where no one is actually above others even if they’re deciding some things for others.

    Like how most people trust a good tradesman to do their job and don’t dictate the trade to the tradesman (the ones that want a good job done anyways!). Everything requires a minimum of trust. Would you let a plumber in to your home you don’t trust? Why do we allow police and politicians that few trust?

  • Almost certainly not by sound, but creating a seal in an ear canal can make it significantly easier to rupture an ear drum. Even a slap up side the head can rupture an ear drum if you get a good seal to their ear before all the trapped air gets crushed. Remarkably easy if it’s the second time, I’d know! 20% hearing loss sucks.

    Giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe the alert startled him and he slapped his ear in surprise trying to dig it out. Or maybe stacked on an injury. Or he could always be a weirdo with thin membranes. We’re not all clones!