• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Weirdly enough, I’ve never got fprint working on my thinkpad (albeit I’ve only attempted twice).

    Both times, it works fine whenever I only set up my index finger. Adding my thumb (or any other finger) then prevents either from working, removing either finger removes both, and then prevents me from adding it back.

    I have no idea why I’m having this issue, but I’m assuming I’m just missing something.

  • Just to your point about The Martian, I would argue that the book wasn’t ‘objectively’ better than the movie, but that the movie had a different vibe than the book due to the change from written text logs to the video logs.

    It’s a limitation of the format, but the movie almost feels like it belongs to a different telling of the story than Weir’s original? As if there he’d written in the 80s, someone rewrote it slightly different in the 00’s, and the rewrite got made into a movie?

    I am definitely biased because I really enjoy both The Martian book and movie, just in different ways.

  • You act as though I’m not bitter about it. You pointing out how great it was and how much it sucks that I missed it only makes me more bitter.

    There is no job market where I live. As in within my friend group, we have collectively applied to ~30 jobs in the last year and gotten 2 responses. My employer was very clear that they were not giving time off for the eclipse, so that wasn’t an option. And had I just left, bye bye job. Can’t pay rent, can’t afford food.

    If you want to point out how much it sucks, by all means. But don’t act like you know my situation, like I don’t know what I had to miss out on, and then point to fucking xkcd saying “see? I’m right”.

    Grow some fucking perspective.