• 51 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    11 days ago

    I wasn’t trying to prove the question is about religion vs science; I was responding to the previous comment that said:

    literally no one in the world means that

    My links show lots of people in the world say that. Not everyone, but enough that it does come up sometimes.

    There are multiple facets and perspectives in every philosophical question.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    11 days ago

    Could be. I’m not as familiar with that format – a major strength of png is that anything can open and view it properly. It’s been a standard for decades, so it has universal compatibility.

    e: I’m not going to look into that specific format (I stopped caring about the inner workings of file formats like 15 years ago when I stopped getting paid to care), but I think I could bet you that webp is a document hierarchy wrapper on png, jpg, gif, mpeg, etc, ad inf.

    I had to exit this comment and look again because I couldn’t remember if you’d said webm or webx or webp or whatever. The last I knew, that’s not a file format but a codepage (nowadays, that’s usually a cheap wrapper over code they found and repackaged).

    That’s massively simplified, but if you’re asking that in this thread, I’m worried people are being sold a difference that doesn’t exist.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    15 days ago

    Yeah, the fossil record and dna analysis is such a gradient, any lines we draw are arbitrary. To be fair, those lines were always for our own convenience, in much the same way it’s useful for print designers to specify Pantone 032, but if most people look at the full colour chart they couldn’t even tell you where ‘red’ becomes ‘orange’.

    It’s definitely rabbits (or turtles) all the way down.

    We’re prokaryotes, and vertebrates, and mammals, and from there some people get bent. Are we apes? Genus homo? Where must we draw the line to ensure we’re not actually animals like other living things and were divinely inspired special creations?

    I like simplicity. Life is a beautiful prismatic projection and it doesn’t matter that much what our Pantone swatch turns out to be.

    (Sorry, /mini rant)

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    15 days ago

    Slightly larger file size, which mattered in like 2002, but it’s only a few mb, which doesn’t matter at all now.

    e: if you’re a professional photographer and saving stupidly high resolution images by the thousands, you’ll want to use jpg, but in that case, you’ll understand why.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    15 days ago

    You’re right, I shouldn’t have said ‘never’. It was a paradox in ancient history, but at least in my lifetime, I’ve read it as basically solved. That may be a relatively recent stance (since 100-200 years ago), but it doesn’t seem useful to continue presenting it as a paradox at this point.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    15 days ago

    Jpg for photos, png for everything else.

    It’s an easy rule of thumb, it hurts that 20 years of repeating it seems to have had zero effect.

    Maybe this helps: Jpg fucks up your image, and png doesn’t.

    Or: jpg is lossy, png is lossless.

    Or: It’s better to save photos as png than cartoons as jpg.

    Seriously, I hope some of this breaks through because deep fried images are so fucking unnecessary.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzChicken vs Egg
    15 days ago

    The chicken vs egg question has never been about chronology or science.

    It’s been about religion vs science.

    Science says the egg came first: something nearly imperceptibly not quite a chicken laid an egg that hatched a chicken. That’s how evolution works, with the egg coming first.

    Religion says a god poofed a chicken into existence. The chicken came first, and only ever laid pure chicken eggs. The eggs will forever hatch a chicken and nothing but a chicken.

    That’s the chicken vs egg thing. It’s not a puzzle at all, it’s just science vs religion.

    e: simplified. I’m too wordy by default.

  • LillyPip@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzAntybooties
    1 month ago

    The second half of this experiment is far less wholesome:

    To verify their findings, these scientists reran the experiment by cutting off ants’ legs at the knees. Those ants consistently undershot their targets, showing definitively that ants do actually count their steps.

    So yay, verified results via torture!

  • You’re right, and I don’t disagree with you at all. Yes, we’ve had an emotional need for stories – more for connection with one another than for individual understanding, which cultural stories provide.

    I’m saying there’s a difference between cultural stories and organised religion. The former is benign and can translate our questions into a semblance of meaning, and the latter which becomes dictatorial dogma that amplifies the worst of us, turning our basest instincts into abhorrent action.

    I don’t think we disagree that much, you and I. I used to think organised religion wasn’t something I could get behind, but I thought to each their own.

    The more I learned about it and the more I saw the bad influence it did to people I loved, the more I realised it’s nothing but a terrible influence in the world, holding us back as a people, and causing needless suffering and death.

  • I’m a user experience designer. My favourite story is from aviation engineering. I don’t remember the year or all the details, but the US Navy had put stupid amounts of money and time into engineering a new fighter jet. It was worked out on paper and built to exact specifications. Then, during the first human test of it, the pilot ejected on the tarmac before it took off. The plane crashed, obviously, but the pilot couldn’t explain what happened (apparently he had a concussion from his unscheduled landing).

    The plane was built again, and shortly after takeoff, the pilot again ejected without explanation.

    What the fuck was going on?

    In the retelling I heard, someone finally noticed the design of the cockpit was to blame. In trying to cram all the standard controls plus new ones into the smallest amount of space, the designers had moved the eject lever right next to the lever to adjust the seat position – they’d coloured the eject lever red, but the pilot couldn’t see that since it was below and slightly to the right of his ass, and both levers were the same size and shape. Nobody noticed this was a problem until at least two pilots accidentally ejected on takeoff.

    This might be apocryphal, I don’t know, but I learnt it as an example of how things might look good on paper, but you can’t really know until a user fucks everything up.