CEO of Juke LTD.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • Lem Jukes@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    6 days ago

    Dr Bronner’s is a pretty wild company with an actually pretty decent philanthropic history.’s_Magic_Soaps?wprov=sfti1#History if any company was gonna be open to progressive labor practices i would not be surprised if they were on the list.

    Also if by ‘supplied by employer’ they mean ‘as a treatment option covered under their health plan’ then a lot of people’s healthcare is ‘supplied by their employer (or government)’.

    Don’t get me wrong Dr. Bronners is still just a business and doesn’t need anyone’s defending. But Ketamine Therapy has shown a lot of promise as an experimental treatment and isnt being handed out to Amazon employees to keep the suicide rates at the warehouse down, yet.

  • Wholesalers, retailers, lawyers, etc. When a company goes under it usually involves some form of liquidation of assets, ie selling as much of the physical business as possible. Everything from leftover stock/product to the literal shelves that product was sitting on will sometimes get sold to another business/company or get auctioned off by lot. In the end, if you own the merchandise, as long as the product itself wasn’t banned by a regulatory agency, you’re free to sell it like any other merchandise. So to answer your question, whoever you bought it from.

    NB: i have no expertise and could be entirely wrong about everything.