• 24 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m really glad I haven’t seen any posts like that here on Lemmy but that sounds really awful. :/

    And I completely agree with your thought and intention but I still have to nitpick about:

    There is a time and place for tone policing and it’s _never_ the very minute a woman speaks up.

    Of course it’s not never. Just like with men, women are not infallible and can do shit.
    I know you’re (hopefully) not literally meaning it like that, but I thought it’s still noteworthy.

  • You really missed out on Europapa. It got the second place in the semi-finale and would very likely been have top 5, but got disqualified because of no real reason (it’s a huge scandal going on, they first suggested he hit someone, but it turned out to be wrong and he just made a “threatening gesture” at a camera after repeatingly asked not to be filmed at a time where he wasn’t allowed to be filmed).

  • A good Dev in the situation you mention will design the solution needed now not the one you hope for later.

    Maintainability is one of the most important if not the most important goal when programming. If a dev only designs a solution that fits for exactly the current situation but doesn’t allow any changes, it’s not a good dev.
    But yeah, if you start small, a solution that’s made for that is preferable. You can still refactor things when you get magnitudes larger and have the budget.

  • Do we have any evidence that the jury’s vote is not similarly biased? It may as well be.

    Yep. Here is a literal study coming to exactly that conclusion: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003188933-12
    But also, you don’t really need a study for that. It’s pretty clear that people who just see songs and a recap and vote for what they have in their memory are more susceptible for it than a Jury that needs to literally rank every single song in a list from 1 to 25/26 in different categories.

    And the image I posted above definitely shows how much running order impacts the televoting, as well as this image does (from when the running order was drawn at random):

    That is a personal judgement

    I’m sorry, but I just disagree. With a relative of mine having studied musical theory for years, I definitely know that there is a huge difference between opinions of random people and people who literally have spent years with the theory and can judge the quality of singing and the challenges of a song in completely different and finer ways. There definitely is another level of appreciation.

  • I wonder how the voting would have been different with Europapa. I think Croatia would have considerably less televoting as many people switched from Netherlands to Croatia (a post suggesting to do that on Reddit literally has 10 000 upvotes). But otherwise, I don’t really know what would have been different.
    I’m still really heartbroken for Joost and I definitely hope that this all will be resolved with strong consequences for the EBU.