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  • 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • KevinFRK@lemmy.worldtobirding@lemmy.worldNew Birdnet-Pi
    10 days ago

    For those of us without the skill or kit (me!), Cornell Labs Merlin Bird ID can do the live identification part in quite a pleasing manner on an Android phone. However, the logging and kit that is practical to leave running for 24 hours is probably beyond it.

    To OP, I’d have thought better mikes would allow identification of quieter calls, and be better at avoiding misidentifying non-bird noise, so might still have value.

  • You a quite probably right, given what I saw of the little drama (the corvids and the kites were squabbling all through the walk - alas I didn’t seen enough of a mixed group of jackdaws and crows mobbing a kite to photo it), but the photo in isolation just had me foxed.

    1/1250s speed, and stabilizer on, so I doubt movement distortion, but worth the question.

  • And good tutorials you’d care to recommend that explain what they are trying to achieve? I just have a self taught process with Canon’s DPP4 on RAW format, only working on brightness, as follows:

    1. Turn on any over/under-exposed markers
    2. Move the left slider to the right until it reaches non-zero parts of histogram and/or get under-exposed markers, move back a “bit”
    3. Move the right slider to the left, unless reaches non-zero parts, or get over exposed markers - but go further if its only sky, and you don’t care about it
    4. The tricky bit, move the centre slider to the right if the picture seems “washed out” and to the left if there’s too much dark in the part of the picture you care about - this is extremely subjective

    Doing this, you make greatest use of the range of tones (shades, whatever) that the end JPG can offer, and get the detailed tone changes in the zone that matters… maybe.

    Using the general brightness slider achieves similar but distinct effects - you might mix and match

    This sort of activity should work in any tool. You might be able to do it for selected areas or colour, but I don’t/can’t. You might be able to tweak the curve more precisely, but likewise I don’t try.