KelsonV Old Account

Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.


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  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2021


  • Fedora for my main desktop, mainly because I’ve been upgrading it piece by piece since the stone age, but also because it splits the difference between a fully rolling distribution and a slower one. Most of the tools I use for hobbyist stuff are Linux-native anyway.

    I also dual-boot into Windows 10 for gaming. I plan on avoiding Windows 11 as long as I can!

    For my day job, I have an office-supplied Macbook.

  • If my instance closes down, will I lose control over all of the copied content from my previous account

    Once the old instance is gone, yes. If it fails suddenly and never comes back up, there’s not much that can be done about that, unfortunately.

    If the old server closes up shop in a planned way, and the admins give you enough advance notice, you can take whatever steps you want before the shutdown.

    I’m not sure if Lemmy has this feature, but some servers (Mastodon, off the top of my head) have a “self-destruct” mode to send out delete notices during a planned shutdown. It’s not a 100% guarantee that all the other copies will go away, but neither is deleting a random post from an active server!