• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeh but then, if a person is genuinely obviously extremely attractive, or clearly has traits like a capacity to lead or influence people, or is objectively wealthy, or is clearly very smart, those are all things that come off as really conceited to the rest of us unless their acknowledgement is very careful. If such a person is too quick or too ready to acknowledge these things about themselves, despite their accuracy, we’re pretty likely to think they’re a dick. It seems like for people who are in some ways exceptional, the appropriate level of humility, wherever it is on the scale, does need to involve at least a little bit of pantomime and false modesty. The right size in such cases will need to be at least a little smaller than they really are, not too much smaller, or it’s interpreted as disingenuous, but not exactly true to scale either.

  • The experience of nostalgia I understand is bittersweet and often melancholy. I guess what I’m finding strange is that normally one experiences nostalgia for something they’d actually like to be able to return to, and that usually means something that they actually liked, a previous happiness. Weirdly I seem to be pining for a particular way I felt that actually, sucked at the time. It’s weird. I know what you mean about it being best not to dwell but it’s such a powerful draw, it’s like I’m swimming around the edges of a vortex.

  • It was brand new at the time come to think of it, it wasn’t released until 2008 so this more likely happened in 2009. The timing and the dramatic difference from stock to jailbroken is just too striking to have been a coincidence, although you might be alleviating some 15-16 year old guilt, that perhaps it triggered something. Still very worrying that a new and very expensive phone was triggered in to dysfunction from the process but maybe it was unlucky defective model. I definitely think that while it was jailbroken the problems were as a result of the OS but maybe the Cydia apps or something else were particularly draining and then that fast draining cycle triggered something else physically.

  • I’m using Element. Good to know about the threads thing. They didn’t work how I expected they would, I thought I’d be able to essentially do something similar to forum where I come up with a topic of discussion, name it and have a means of identifying all discussion within this topic as part of the thread, the way it works is kind of like that, but it’s more that something has to have first been said, and then you can reply to it in a thread thus essentially making it a thread. I kind of get it, it’s a bit like how emails work i that regard.

    It looks like it would be hard to entice people to reply to things I ask in a thread since they have to think to click reply in thread and which message uttered as part of a topic should be considered the start of a thread is random and up to the reply-er so someone might pick something said much later in the conversation, and click ‘reply in thread’ to that thus splintering everything. Good to know there’s something at least. I kind of thought it might use something more akin to #hashtags so I could make my first statement intended to be part of a thread thus starting a thread and then anyone joining it later could easily slot in to the timeline of discussion by just using the hashtag. I see there’s a list of threads so hopefully people would use that, but it seems like a lot of hoping everyone employs best practice for the feature to really be useful.

  • Matrix is for chatting, not posts.

    This is what I find so odd about modern messaging systems being used in the manner that they’re used. I get that the immediacy of conversation is sometimes extremely helpful for discussing topics and I can understand why like minded people would then want to hang out together to have those conversations, but like, it’s also kind of flawed for this because of the ephemeral nature of conversation. That’s why I wondered if this flaw had been addressed through some forum-like features.

  • At least it’s broadly kind of informative in description of some of the categories before the ‘continued’ section. That may seem a low bar but I guess efforts to educate on this topic have set such a drastically low bar in decades past that it’s encouraging to see it lifted slightly off the floor. The categorisation scheme takes a bit of a nosedive when they get to marijuana which for some reason has its own category, also for all the drugs and categories they describe they make the mistake of failing to describe the effects that make people want to use the drugs in the first place. I can see why they might be hesitant to do that, you don’t want to actively encourage people to use the drugs, but I remember when getting similar lessons on the topic thinking that it was an obvious omission because it’s hardly like people took the drugs, repeatedly, because of how much they enjoyed the “impairment” especially as I has my own first hand experience running directly counter to it. The failure to address the positive sensations taking such drugs produces that have caused people throughout all of human history to seek drugs out, damages the credibility of the information since it clearly sought to discourage at the cost of objectivity.