Nerd; Board, Card, Pencil & Paper Gamer; Avid Reader; to find me in other places:

  • 33 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • In a normal media environment I’d agree with you completely, the problem is that we have a media apparatus that is set up as a propaganda arm of a political party and mainstream media thinks that balance is that any negative news story must be balanced by a negative news story in the other direction (“Trump incites riot and Biden mispronounced his granddaughters name, why both could mean the collapse of their campaigns” type coverage), instead of being balanced in standards of reporting.

    I don’t know what the solution is. My strategy though is to work down ballot to get better people in positions to push Biden and get him more flexibility to make better choices and changes.

  • JaymesRS@literature.cafetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    9 days ago

    Sometimes things aren’t your fault but are your problem. And men making excuses like “just locker room talk” and not confronting other men in their lives who do or say toxic things or espouse ideas or personalities that generally make women uncomfortable are our problems, whether or not they are our fault.

  • Arctic and Mlem for iOS.

    Arctic is my primary, it was the first that I know of to include admin tools, the single developer is super accessible and on top of for resolving bugs and does a good job at supporting markdown both in the editor and the viewer.

    Mlem is my backup if I need to access 2 different spots on the Lemmy-verse. It has a great viewer and interface but is missing a markdown editor.

  • In the US they never dropped the mandatory overtures to religiosity. In fact, there was a period in the 90s-early 2000s where one sizable religious group who had replaced their prior youth organization with the BSA got pretty involved at the national level to the detriment of the program as a whole. While it’s not really required in any real sense at the troop level, you do have to affirm a belief in some “higher power” as an adult volunteer. (I’m an Eagle Scout and now atheist)

    In Sweden, the Svenska Scoutförbundet was an outgrowth from the original UK scouting movement, but I don’t know how big it was/is.