• 24 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well I tried an opencl benchmark I found, and my computer has fuckied a major wucky… Edit: reboot fixed it but it seems opencl is super unstable on here. I ran hashcat again, this time with --force, and found that it did nothing, then there were weird colors, then plasmashell crashed. Luckily plasmashell has good crash handling and it was able to go back up so I could see that hashcat reported something about gpu hang being the reason for the crash.

  • I tried both suggestions, as well as running it without the variables changed. On all three of them, hashcat said “Device #3: Unstable OpenCL driver detected!” when I ran hashcat -I (device info if your not familiar with hashcat). I tried running the benchmark, and it crashed saying “Device #1: Kernel /usr/lib64/hashcat/OpenCL/shared.cl build failed.”

    Edit: I looked, and I don’t see a package called rocm-ocl, nor can I install one. Edit2: Wait nvm, I see rocm-opencl, and I assume that’s it.

  • To add to that, (or maybe you said this, forgive me if so I am sick RN and my brain is not working optimally), there’s no such thing as a trusted network, and many ways to trick devices into connecting. Evil twins are clones of nearby networks that you will connect to instead. There’s also an attack where your device is actively sending out requests to connect to saved networks, and an attacker can simply respond to that request to get you to connect, and authenticate regardless of what password you send.

  • If you are made out of matter stay away from manjaro. Other than that I agree, and would recommend debian slightly over fedora but that is just personal preference. Also I feel like opensuse deserves an honorable mention. Maybe not tumbleweed, but leap could be suitable for a new user and yast rocks.

    Edit: Also vscodium can be good alternative to vscode. It is vscode without Microsoft’s tracking, but an exact copy otherwise.