• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I have been carrying a wallet for probably 30 years, other than the one I lost when I was like 15. Iv never lost one either.I do the ol wallet check evertime I leave the room or walk through a crowd like every other man, it would just be nice not to have too. People steal phones reguardless and it sucks. A physical wallet would suck more than my phone in tge long run. Have to not only order and wait for physical replacements, but remember every card in their to shut them off and report them as stolen. If my phone is stolen tge pass code is locked out and tge phone is encrypted. They aren’t getting anything anyway. The worst part is replacing the phone. Logging into accounts is the least of the worries.

  • I am far less worried of losing my phone than my wallet. I have eyeballs or my hand on my phone probably every two minutes while I am awake. I use it to navigate and play music in my car. I use it for just about everything at work. I won’t forget it at home, or leave it in my car. If I don’t have it with me I will know pretty quickly and track my steps. My wallet on the other hand, I will go days without needing it. It is far more likely for me to not realize my wallet is missing than my phone. If I dropped and broke my phone, having to link my ID again is the least of my worries. Thank would be a lot easier than ordering a new physical copy.

  • I am very likely older than you. And I don’t “not 100%” agree with, It’s more like Trump I agree with 0%, and Biden is like 0.2%. I refuse to believe that the founding fathers wanted two senile men that can’t hold their shit babbling aimlessly on TV with an army of think tanks and billionaires behind them telling them what to say to manipulate the masses with the two party system. “Preventing the worst people”… they are both some of the worst people in American politics right now. One is actively a shitbag and the other is propped up by shitbags.

    Maybe I should just accept the shitbags and be thankful I guess. Fall in line. I will fight the bullshit until someone does better or I die, whichevercomes first. I’m sure it will be the latter.

  • Yeah, it’s totally our fault the Dems have to see how far right they can possibly get away with. And they just “aren’t for us” completely diminishes our issues. This is a problem created by the DNC, it is not created by the voters.

    Donald Trump was the DNCs fault for running a centrist, dirty candidate. Not ours for not falling in love with her. Your fucking guilting us into voting for a turd sandwitch is bullshit. Stop sucking.

    I have and will vote against Donald Trump, but I am not donating and making calls like I did for Bernie. Biden is a big pile of literally not Donald Trump, that’s all he is.

    The fact that you need grassroots help to win an election when you can easily represent a large majority of the voters by just representing the voters is your fault.

  • Reaching for the republican defectors instead of reaching for the disenfranchised progressives that are unfortunately stuck in your party already. They may just be too busy working to try to survive in this economy than to show up to vote for someone who forgot about them anyway. Dems would rather scoot to the right than get pulled to the left. Hell, they would rather have a Trump presidency than move to the left. Progressives hurt their doners, a Trump presidency gives them tax breaks and lowers the bar for the office so they can run an even shittier candidate in 2028 as we spiral into this corporate idiocracy.

    Anyway, I will be voting for Biden in November to keep it as far left as possible. But it is not a great strategy. I am getting more and more apathetic with this bullshit game and might keep my nose out of federal elections and stick to local/state elections in the future until someone comes along to shake things up. The last 8 years have been horrible in this country and embarrassing, and the best they can do is give US THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER. The federal level elections are just a money funneling clown show that gets gerrymandered into alignment in their desires anyway.

    To clarify, I haven’t seen Biden actively disregard us as a species, I’ve seen him pretend to placate us with things like a half assed “attempt” at student loan forgiveness thinking we are dumb enough to be like. “Well, he tried, guess Republicans are bad.” At the end of the day he has actually done nothing productive during his first term, the term he is supposed to be worried about reelection. Even less is somehow going to happen in his second term. But at least he’s not actively going backward like Trump would do.