• 149 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • I’d say it’s sometimes ok, sometimes necessary for brevity, and sometimes accurate. Accurate = “All people need oxygen, water, and calories to survive.” Brevity = “Generally speaking, people enjoy good food and good company so those situations work well for forming relationships.”

    Consequences of generalizations have a lot to do with how tolerable they are. If I say, “most people like pizza” there’s not much harm if several million people don’t. If I say, “all or most people of this gender/ethnicity/religion/whatever have X problem” that’s a lot more problematic because it can easily lead to a consequence of harmful prejudice. When it comes to matters of ethics, beliefs, accusations etc. it becomes very important to handle cases individually as much as humanly possible.

  • In case anyone wants to know specifically why this is crazy: here’s a NASA article about magnetic pole shifts/reversals. The short version is:

    • Magnetic North Pole was identified about 200 years ago and since then it’s constantly been drifting so “Pole Shifts” are a constant reality.
    • Complete reversals (where N and S swap) happen every 300,000 years or so on average (varying a lot). The last reversal was actually 780,000 years ago, so I’m not sure what societal collapse this guy knows about from WAY into pre-history.
    • The Earth’s magnetic field has declined in strength in the last 200 years by about 9%, but it’s still twice as intense as it’s million-year average and not going anywhere anytime soon.