• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023

  • Sony is probably working on a music generator as we speak. So it’s not like Sony vs AI but Sony AI Monopoly vs Diverse AI ecosystem including FOSS.

    I also consider the data stolen in either case, since Sony isn’t going to give a dime more to their artists when they either sell the data or come out with their own software. Actually, if everyone owns it and can use it to train, I see it more as sharing tbh.

    I guess I might be bias, I hate these fat cat companies trying to strangle new tech so we have to lick their boots while using it.

  • If copyrights apply, only you and stack own the data. You can opt out but 99% of users don’t. No users get any money. Google or Microsoft buys stack so only they can use the data. We only get subscription based AI, open source dies.

    If copyrights don’t apply, everyone owns the data. The users still don’t get any money but they get free open source AI built off their work instead of closed source AI built off their work.

    Having the website have copyright of the content in the context of AI training would be a fucking disaster.

  • Sony and 4 other companies basically own all music. If they can opt out, it gives them a defacto monopoly on any music generators. The AI music is still going to come and artists aren’t getting a dime either way except maybe some big names that don’t need the money anyways.

    There is nothing to be gained from taking Sony’s side here. Sony is a pos company that exploits all the artists under it. It will exploit it’s data to create more profit through AI, without paying them.

    Its either open source AI anyone can run at home or closed source AI that only a few companies can legally run, offered with a hefty subscription fee and censorship.

  • I think you need to make a special request to get that level of deletion that comes with gdpr. I’m not certain, I just remember other users specifically talking about how you need to send them an email so they have to comply.

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if their dataset is mostly stripped of user names to get around GDPR though I’m no expert.

    All that to say I’d be very very surprised if they deleted comments in their dataset.

    Very valid point of devaluating the user experience thought, especially when you take into account google searches. I’m sure they have already fallen off compared to a year ago where reddit would pop up half the time no matter what you searched.

  • Each time this pops up, there is a rush of people saying to delete or edit your comments.

    They have a database of your comments and all your edits. Its easy to see when you mass delete or edit them. Anything done past a certain point in time, especially all at once, is automatically reverted.

    By deleting and editing, you are taking the data away from scrappers making the dataset they are selling actually unique and more valuable.