Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]

  • 74 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2023


  • The counter-revolution of 1989/1990, market reforms and associated recession and unemployment, Nazi gangs forming out of poor youths attacking leftists (“baseball bat years”), the Party for Democratic Socialism (SED successor, later known as the Left Party after merging with a left-SPD splinter group) getting into coalition governments with social democrats and supporting neoliberal policies leading to a loss of credibility, pro-Russian foreign policy sympathies that only the AfD openly supports, nationalism being seen as the answer to social problems and, of course, racism.

  • I think there’s a lot of people in a similar situation to mine and yours, probably a lot more than we realize because it’s embarrassing to even talk about

    2 years for me, though I started an employment program funded by the Employment office recently. I get a basic subsidy of a couple hundred Euros and like 3/4 of the time there is wasted and/or mind-numbingly boring, but it’s an income and they’re helping me look for a job, write applications, etc. - even if it’s just to escape the boredom.

    I know you’re probably American and the state probably doesn’t care much about such stuff, but it might be worth looking into something like it, even if it’s just to force yourself to get used to the horrid rhythm of the 40 hour work week and have something recent on your resume that looks good to the bourgies you have to beg for work to.