I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 218 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I grew up in the days of network television and local stations. Never had cable or those fancy DVR boxes (or teevo for those who remember). When we wanted to record something we had to know when it was going to be on, then program the VCR, slap a tape in and hope for the best.

    I have no patience for ads whatsoever.

    When they’d come on back in the day (me being the youngest) I’d be told to holler when the show cam back on.

    I block every single ad network wide at home. And now I only watch content without ads via any means I can.

    I hate ads with a burning fiery passion.

  • Visa is rolling out technology that will allow you to tap your card on your smart device to add it to your wallet. You’ll also be able to tap your card to your phone to confirm a transaction without needing to input any additional information.

    So like almost any tap to pay system?

    Shit I was doing this stuff with GPay for years.

    Within a decade, you’ll likely access all of your cards with one credential and choose which payment method you’d like to use. That includes not just credit and debit cards, but also buy now, pay later options and direct payments from your bank account.

    This is just PayPal.