• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • This is almost certainly the cause.

    Most captchas treat connections from a known VPN exit node as a red flag because most of the spammers use them to hide their location and it’s a pretty small minority of the total traffic so not many people will complain about it. It’s also way easier to do that than try and find some heuristic way to identify malicious behavior.

    If they also get some extra data from you that they can sell once you disable it, then all the better for the company too.

  • The only use reviews have is to make sure that the app youre downloading is most likely the original and not a malicious lookalike.

    Artificial content has poisoned the web to the point that adding “reddit” to the end of google searches so that you could get real human content was commonplace.

    I miss the days where you had to learn HTML if you wanted to share your opinions online.