• 116 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • It’s going to depend on where you are, but there’s usually some form of transit here in Sweden in all but the most rural places. Outside of cities, there’s a decent chance you’ll get a car anyway because the transit is not of high enough quality, unfortunate as it may be.

    That being said, where I live in Stockholm, transit takes me everywhere I want to go, including longer distances to visit my family that lives far from Stockholm in the form of decently high speed trains. My bicycle is also a great way to get around the city.

    I’m very pleased with not having to own a car, it saves me a lot of money and effort, and my transport time is spent more productively - when biking, I get exercise while listening to podcasts, and on transit I can use my phone freely to do whatever I want. It’s also generally a less frustrating way to get around, not having to be stuck in traffic or spend time, effort and money to park. It’s also basically at no loss of time compared to driving for the majority of my trips. All this on top of being a better option from an environmental standpoint. I’m very happy!

  • Hur kommer det sig att du bestämde dig för att posta en studie från 2019 en så vacker kväll som ikväll?

    Utöver det finns det en ganska rimlig förklaring i diskussionsdelen av artikeln:

    Secondly, granting rates largely reflect patterns of unemployment when considering intersections between gender and country of birth. That is, foreign-born women are most likely to be granted support whereas native-born men embody the opposite position. These patterns are consistent with actual inequalities in access to paid work and social security schemes, and can be read as an expected outcome.

    Mer intressant kan man kanske tycka att det är att studien påvisar en relativt konservativ uppfattning bland socialarbetarna:

    In line with previous research, the results indicate that social workers have higher expectations on men as breadwinners.