• 54 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • You realize we all knew about it before you posted it, right? Sounds like a BPD delusion if I ever saw one… and I have.

    Most people agree with the verdict. I would imagine most non MAGA conservatives are part of that group.

    You aren’t some heroic town crier giving us our first revelation that the old cheesebucket was found guilty. This is the internet, you’re a rando, and it’s old news already.

    I’ve seen BPD completely destroy 2 people’s lives, and I’m watching it do its best to take down a third right now.

    So you wanna fling BPD around? You’re overtly showing multiple red flags for it.

    Black and White world view, Projection of behavior, Projection of mentality, Getting defensive and offensive when people disagree with you, Assuming people accept or reject all your ideas as a whole, Dictating with certainty how others think or feel, I can go on if that isn’t enough.

    I’m very serious: BPD -will- ruin your life. I’m guessing a self diagnosis has at least been considered at some point. Go get a second opinion. There is a point of no return and it -will- try to sneak up on you.

    And just for the record, I’ve been saying this day will come since 2021. I can disagree with parts of your personality and opinions while agreeing with others. It’s not an all or nothing thing. BPD does make it feel that way sometimes though.

  • Give them a little more grace, maybe?

    I feel like more people trying to make sense of the world is a good thing. If someone’s trying to change your mind, they can piss off, but embrace the ones who are asking the questions. Even leading questions can be given thought provoking answers.

    This one seems like he wants to know why people reject magic as a… I hope this makes sense, but a texture pack for physics. Same laws, alternate perspective.

    If that’s the case, I get it. I think that way too, in a sense. I just don’t think most other people do.

  • KidnappedByKitties nailed it, I think.

    But I absolutely love and agree with your perspective, too. I think we went too hard into understanding the physical side of reality while rejecting the role of spirituality with the Enlightenment.

    I believe physical reality is just one side of a coin.

    We need to regain a spiritual view without giving up how we understand physical reality, and without all the literal trappings of organized religion.

    A second Enlightenment?