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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • Oh wow, didn’t think about that! Hopefully you can make space in the next competition for some of the ones we missed. Or maybe have a losers’ competition… That’s what my grandma was all about on super bowl. Any one who didn’t win anything in my grandpa’s score board got put it a loser’s pot that meant everybody ended up with something. To make things not be so much work for you, just have an original didn’t make the actual bowl group that people pare down, then add in the losers from the real bowl and see what happens?

    I’d be happy to take some of the work off you, but I have only made one actual post because as soon as I got to the image part of posting I peaced out. Sigh. But I’m sure I could figure it out! Of course, I get if you want to do it all.

    You are totally right about Lemmy being a team effort. That is why I am here. I’m an excellent team player as long as I can believe I am educating and validating others. Trying to pay forward what I experienced as a child that has been a fountain of opportunity for me.

    Can’t wait to see what you share!

  • I am definitely enjoying actually interacting with other users, so I thank you very much for the push to do so. I can very much appreciate the difficultly of staying engaged the way you do, but I also adore the oasis of awesome you have created. No matter what, please know you have brought a ton of happiness to others. What else is better in life, especially when you are also teaching others important things? I’ve made a fulfilling career out of it irl, and I hope to find ways to do the same on this platform.

    It’s also great to know it is meaningful to posters to get little comments of appreciation, so I also really appreciate your comments concerning that. You are awesome, and I can wait for the next Owl of the Year tournament! This time I certainly won’t just vote, but they are all so lovely, it’s hard to pick a favorite!

  • Oh no, I can totally see how insanely funny all this would be from an outside perspective. But I can certainly think of funnier timelines. What if atomic bombs were just huge pies we hit other nations with? Or, or there were clown cars that could fit an entire army in them? Wait, that’s actually not funny. Um… What about everyone wearing their underwear on the outside?

  • Welp, that one user on reddit just cannot handle opinions that differ from their own. Nor can they clearly state what squid said that upset them. Sounds like that user only wants to hear their own opinion on things, which is really what creates an echo chamber. Sad for them to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff.

    But I completely agree with you about fighting the echo chamber effect. However, that does not mean anyone should be careful about putting thier opinions out there, that would just result in a different type of echo chamber. Blocks should only be for trolls, and not for differing opinions.

  • I feel this deeply. When I have been really depressed, it is like all my creativity has drained out of me, and I second guessed even boiling water when I am actually an amazing cook. I am very lucky my mom likes to cook with me (she calls herself my sous chef, so sweet) and put up with affirming me almost continually for awhile when we cooked together. I hope I never end up back there; dark times. Having a therapist has also really helped. I hope you find a way back to your creativity. It may never be quite the same, but I promise it can be great again in a new way. Baby steps, not giant leaps.