wiki-user: unruffled

Advisory: Our users are here for piracy, not politics. There are plenty of politics communities if you want to proselytize about your favorite brand.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Just remind me again, which instance produces hundreds of hate comments every time one of their shitty takes is removed from another instance? Hint: it’s not us. They have zero tolerance for us, so why should we be tolerant of them exactly? I’m curious to know your logic.

    Edit: and every downvote is from .ml. Wonder why they are wading in on this? Lol

  • Do we really need their help keeping fascists in check? Problem is hexbears consider everyone who’s not on ml or hexbear to be an ipso facto fascist, and act accordingly. There’s zero room in their ideology for anyone with more moderate political views. I’d say the majority of our users are probably left leaning, but unless they happen to want the violent destruction of the western liberal democracies, then they just aren’t left enough for hexbears to accept.

    Having said all that, I feel like we’ve managed to successfully remove most of the overt political trolling from hexbear on our instance lately, so our own communities aren’t too affected. But they really hate the fact we’ve been clamping down on them.

    I’ll also acknowledge the majority of hexbear’s users don’t go trolling. They seem to have a bunch of well meaning people who are focussed on community building, a bunch of political history/theory enthusiasts, and a bunch of awful trolls who are just there for the lulz. You can see in their own modlogs that there’s tensions within their instance between those groups.

    So, it’s a complicated situation to deal with, and depending which groups you interact with, you might have a very different experience. From my own experience I’d say the bad far outweighs the good though.

  • FYI I’m not American so I won’t be voting for either. But I think you are contradicting your own argument when you say:

    tl;dr: the distinction between dems and reps is not one of “left/right” but rather one of “right/further right”.

    What I was arguing was that the Democrats (aka liberals) are further left than the Republicans (at least in some key social areas). So, while you have defined the difference here as right/further right, that is still an acknowledgment that they are to the left of the Republicans, even if they are “not-quite-left-enough” to qualify as leftist from your ideological perspective. So, it still makes no sense to treat them as equally bad options - there are still degrees of ‘bad’ we should be concerned about to minimise harms.

    It seems to me that many people on the left are currently earnestly trying to destabilise the US by pushing it even further towards right wing fascism, in the hope that it’ll eventually provoke some sort of domestic revolution or an international backlash to US influence. This seems to me like a high-stakes strategy that could horribly backfire in so many ways, and I just can’t get on board with it.

  • Don’t know why you think you know where I live. And you seem to have completely missed the disclaimer where I said “Obviously if you have a data cap then that’s a different story.”

    And just FYI, for areas with a decent internet network, whether in the city or not, your data use doesn’t impact your neighbors’ bandwidth in any meaningful way, assuming your ISP isn’t massively over-subscribed. I mean all ISPs are oversubscribed to some extent, but then most people aren’t download 24/7, so they typically size the ‘pipe’ to accommodate peak combined usage.

    I’m perfectly well aware that if your local ISP’s network is dogshit then this might be more of an issue. That’s why they typically have data caps in those areas to discourage bandwidth usage. If you don’t have a bandwidth cap then it’s really the responsibility of your ISP to provide enough bandwidth for everyone to enjoy. You want to go around ranting at people for watching HD movies, go right ahead, see what happens. Try ranting at your ISP - it might be more effective.

  • It depends what you are watching it on I suppose. If you’re streaming content on a phone, then 480p is probably acceptable to most people. But if your connection can support a higher resolution without buffering issues, then why wouldn’t you? Especially if you’re watching something on a TV or large monitor, it’ll look terrible in 480p.

    Edit: I’m assuming when I said “why wouldn’t you?” that you have unlimited data. Obviously if you have a data cap then that’s a different story.

  • I rather imagine socdems consider themselves socialists, probably not liberals though. But we weren’t having that discussion, so I guess you were just bringing attention to your community rules in a passive aggressive sort of way? Fair enough I guess.

    I’ve just noticed things getting way too tribal lately and the communist/socialist left seems hell bent on fighting with the liberals instead of the conservatives. Personally, I think it’s counterproductive to dunk on the liberals when there’s so many actual fascists around, and it’s getting a bit tiring. Have they as a party moved too far to the right? Definitely. Would it be a step in the right direction if people like Bernie Sanders got a chance to make a difference? Definitely. Would it be far enough? Almost certainly not, but you know, this is the US we’re talking about, they’re never going to go fully socialist. You’ve got to have some level of pragmatism if you want to get any movement back to the left.

    If someone is socially progressive and anti-authoritarian, then I don’t need to know much else about their politics, I’ll make the assumption they are probably a decent person. I really don’t care if someone labels themselves a socialist, a liberal or an anarchist, or any of the dozens of atomistic political groupings on the left, or if they don’t give a shit about politics. If they are trying to improve the current state of society in whatever way they are able, then they really don’t deserve to get dunked on. It’s mean spirited and counterproductive and there’s too much hate going around.

    I mean, what’s your end goal with this strategy of hating on the not-quite-left-enough? I genuinely don’t understand it.

  • It’s pointless debating with hexbear trolls. And it’s equally bad to stick your head in the sand and just deny that China is a highly authoritarian state. Tankies will never allow anyone to criticise their “best model for society” unchallenged, even when it’s entirely justified. Why is it aok for them to criticise everything Western countries do in rabid terms but the minute China or Russia does something shitty, it’s suddenly racist? Because hexbear, that’s why. It’s their whole MO. Dogpile the comments, get everyone worked up, and they’ve had their fun and will move on. It’s classic tankie authoritarianism, hiding behind virtue signalling. If you can’t see they are just “dunking on the libs” as per usual, I don’t know what to say to you.