• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • pride parades

    The news is the only thing that cares. I’ve never seen one.

    media being changed

    Often done for diversity’s sake at the cost of quality, yes. This is executive meddling and generally doesn’t work as intended.

    Folk who just want to mind their own business, aren’t allowed to anymore

    You totally are, just avoid media hype.

    I don’t even think you’re necessarily wrong, but I’m arguing that in the absence of media amplification and/or existing bigotry, this would not be a problem.

  • and Trump gets the fight going faster so we can get to democracy faster?

    How exactly do you think authoritarianism will lead to a collapse, and how will that collapse lead to democracy somehow winning out? Allowing fascists to take over just means we now live in a fascist society. When Germany turned fascist, they didn’t magically break up and become a shining example of democracy. It took serious external pressure for that to happen. Revolutions usually just change the power structure among those who were already in power-- they don’t suddenly grant power to the little guys. Even if, by some miracle, the US went full Nazi and didn’t just stay that way but somehow immediately collapsed, and hundreds of thousands died in a giant civil war and/or WWIII, and we don’t nuke each other off the face of the planet so hard it’s unrecoverable, you expect democracy will be the result? Why? How can you be sure?

    TL;DR: Voting for a fascist won’t cause a collapse and a collapse won’t result in democracy, with any degree of certainty.

    PLEASE actually think these things through instead of just throwing out ideas like this, because if people start to actually believe this we’re going to be in an INCREDIBLY dangerous situation (moreso than we already are!) and the entire world will suffer for it.

  • That’s not how it works in practice. When a candidate wins, they’re established as a benchmark for what’s popular. This means candidates are more likely to be close to their position, but a bit left or right. This is called the “Overton Window” and it establishes what people talk about politically on the national stage.

    When Trump got elected, he started expressing opinions about LGBTQ people, vaccines, etc. Everyone was then forced to argue around those points for 4 years. When Biden was elected, we started talking about unions, corporations, Israel and Palestine, etc. If you take a look at the EU, they’re talking about things like corporate gatekeepers, universal healthcare, and banning Nazi rhetoric.

    By electing people who are progressively more and more to the left of the current democratic candidate, we can shift the Overton Window to begin talking about things like housing, UBI, corporate monopolies, etc. But it’s a gradual process, so we have to be persistent but accepting if it doesn’t all happen immediately.