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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I don’t know fuck about coffee and 99% of the time drink basic bitch Maxwell house from the warehouse club, but I love dark roast. Not these new megacaff brews being discussed though. I used to occasionally get Starbucks Sumatra, I just tossed my single serve thing and got a French press, and a bag of Peets Major Dickasons Blend.

    I guess I don’t really have a point, but I’m open to suggestions as I try to drink less crappy coffee lol.

  • The way y’all treat our political system is proof that America is already and has always been fascist. Election after election, decade after decade, the entire Democratic platform is saying “We aren’t them” then doing half of what they wanted to do anyway. People CAN make change if they stop rewarding democrats for sprinting right, and if they can’t - Well, that’s just proof that we AREN’T free, innit?

    “ONLY WE CAN SAVE THE COUNTRY AND IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT US YOU’RE THE ENEMY” It’s the only argument Democrats have, and like it or not - that’s fascist messaging. Blue fascism is still fascism.

  • Schrödinger’s Left

    Simultaneously stupid babies on the fringe who don’t even warrant acknowledgement, AND the singular cause of every Democratic loss of the past 30 years - no adjustments to make, no lessons to learn, just blame the left and take 5 more steps right.

  • Are you defending authoritarian policies of historical socialism alot?

    Nope, but I do point out that most socialist countries fail due to direct US intervention, which is true but inconvenient to their narrative that socialism is a failure.

    I have also been called a communist, but this wasn’t meant as an insult but a description

    Are you familiar with the American concept of the “Bible Belt?” It’s essentially just the American Southeast, Texas out to the East Coast, up to mid-Virginia or so. (The confederate states, basically.) This section of the country continues to be hyper religious and hyper conservative. What I’m getting at is that in this neck of the woods, socialist and communist are used almost exclusively as slurs lol, for anybody who doesn’t have an almost comical conservative stance.

  • And they’re our only viable choices, why?

    Because people refuse to vote for anybody else, even though the duopoly parties are effectively the same picture. People obsess over the “World ending” scenario but people are always saying the world is going to end - It’s just a boogeyman to keep people voting duopoly, Democrat’s ONLY platform for decades has been “We aren’t Republican, and Republicans will end the world as you know it.”

    Of course, it’s not just pres. People need to run and vote for non-duopoly candidates all the way down, and once establishment candidates start losing votes they’ll either shift their positions or double down strengthening the non-duopoly candidates. Ain’t nobody moving left so long as you keep rewarding them for sprinting further and further right.

    People have made American politics like training a dog not to bark but you’re giving them a treat everytime they bark and punishing them when they don’t bark then wondering why they bark all the time.

  • Hell, she’s STILL out here working to tank democrats in the name of status quo corporatism,

    “What do you say to voters who are upset that those are the two choices? Get over yourself.”

    Democrats need the boogeyman of Trump but they will 1000% take Trump before they give an inch to the left, but they’ll be happy to blame leftists for their loss after 4 years of telling em to eat a dick.

  • Three steps right or 6 steps right, we’re still moving right - and democrats have already made sure to close off all roads to applying any leftward force. Either we reward them for moving further right or we vote for someone who doesn’t suck and they say “see we have to move further right.”

    TLDR we have a singular party and corpos gonna corpo

  • "Everyone I disagree with is an agitator, now shut the fuck up about candidates earning their votes and do as you’re told because ONLY WE can save the country from fascist policies (even though Biden is doing half of it himself!)

    No theres nothing fascist about that attitude or our incessant need to spread misinformation about anyone who thinks Biden sucks, SHUT UP AND FALL IN LINE OR ELSE!"