• 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • Man, this shit is going to cause some political instability. Like, yeah, the guy spent multiple years learning a job which is obsoleted a decade later. He might be able to pivot to game design, but that might be obsoleted in yet another decade. Who even knows at this point?

    Going into retail or some craftsmanship job, that’s probably going to be a safer bet, because robots still have a farther path to go, but those jobs already pay badly today. Even more people looking to do these jobs isn’t going to help.

  • Ephera@lemmy.mltome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    1 day ago

    Well, lots of us were parented to not throw food away. Just the thought of someone always cutting off the crust when they’re eating bread, that does irk me in that sense, too.

    But as someone else in this thread already said, with proper bread, the crust is actually good. Then it just seems really strange to cut off the interesting part of the bread and to just want the samey stuff in the middle.

  • As an anti-mow person, I don’t care, if it’s a wildflower meadow. I don’t call random plants “weeds”, they’re all cool with me. Like, alright, if you’ve got a super-invasive foreign species that’s actively killing the local ecosystem, then I’m on board with doing something against that. But it can hardly be worse than mowing the local ecosystem.