• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldLeftists
    15 hours ago

    Ironically so is libertarianism. Which would probability make his head explode. Right wing libertarians are just fascists that are so self centered that even rallying around their nation or ethnicity seems too much work. Or just masking temporarily. Gladly supporting and voting for fascists when it all comes down to it.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.world45%
    17 hours ago

    And had the poster used a picture of an actual communist outside the US. That would be worth considering. But we should ask, why did they choose a non communist US congress person? Op’s message might be stupid but as scary as it sounds. They put actual thought into it and chose the picture on purpose.

  • What about the '70s? The 70s itself isn’t very descriptive. On the whole being inexorably tied to Nixon really pushes home the point that things were becoming less democratic then. It’s also the time period in which the modern techniques of gerrymandering were being developed and explored. As a direct response to civil rights. Again less democratic.

    And technically is an accurate term. What is democracy? Is democracy just being able to cast a ballot, that then gets creatively discarded. Or is something beyond casting a ballot required. Remember, Russia is technically a democracy too. As was the Soviet Union. I would argue that the US has had a better record on that front domestically. But it’s a low bar. Not necessarily something we should be bragging about. Are we really a democracy? We should be. But are we actually.

  • That would absolutely be a great start. But only that. A starting point.

    Taxing the rich can be on the ballot. The problem is we often spend too much time fighting amongst ourselves letting the ownership class walk away with everything while we tussle over scraps. They’ve succeeded in putting a large portion of the population into a nihilistic Fugue state. Only trying to destroy things and hurt the group they’ve been told is the Boogeyman. Not improving things for themselves or others. As easy and as fun as it can be to ridicule conservatives importantly thought out plans and ideology. We need them. And they need us. If we want to make anything better that is. We need to break through the cynicism and nihilism and convince them that there is a way for things to be better.

    It’s not a small task by any means.

  • See, I can’t agree with this. Fifty years ago, our democracy was still in a MUCH worse position than today.

    How so? Union membership was at all time highs, we’d just had FDR’s new deal. Labor and non ownership classes have never benefited from government in a similar fashion since that time.

    That isn’t to discount the civil rights act etc. More people being represented is good. The problem being, that while more people were “technically” represented. Everyone collectively has less to show for it. With inequality approaching or exceeding even the guilded age. Because the government increasingly represents only a single class of person.

  • They haven’t been duped. At least not in the same way. Russia has no real influence over them. It’s an enemy of my enemy thing. The United States has been trending heavily undemocratic for the last 50+ years minimum. And they don’t want that to change. Their complaint is that they aren’t the ones in charge. They DON’T want to make things better. They just want to be the ones hurting those that disagree. And the only way they can do that is to make things worse. To the point of collapse.

    It’s just goals aligning. Not some big conspiracy. Or brainwashing. Republicans, Russians, Chinese, and ML all see themselves benefiting from collapse.

  • The problem is, yes government could and I would argue should be more democratic. But that isn’t how Leninism/stalinism/Maoism works. We have problems with adequate representation with two parties. Those groups want only one. And traditionally that party doesn’t take kindly to dissent. Rather than listening and adjusting policy to better address people. They simply exclude you from society if you’re lucky. Lock you up, brutalize you. And if they don’t think they’ve adequately broken you, kill you.

    We need to remove authoritarian and private control of government. Capitalism would follow eventually. The problem is. That’s impossible with capitalists and ML alike.