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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • Who says they’re not smuggling ammo into the country to use for criminal activity? You only need to fire a single bullet to kill someone.

    The woman in question was traveling with her daughter, and was caught with 2 rounds of ammo in her bag when leaving the country. If you are trying to smuggle it in, why are you bringing it back out?

    But if they can prove that she was trying to smuggle ammo into the country, what the law was meant for, then yes please let her burn. But “she might have been, so it’s fine she is doing prison time despite it almost certainly just being a dumb mistake” doesn’t sit well with me at all. I don’t believe it It should sit well with anyone who claims to care about justice.

    I also assume 12 years is the upper limit for possession here.

    You really think someone should do prison time for making a mistake that didn’t even hurt anyone?

  • Holy shit, you’re actually trying to argue that it’s unjust to be punished for intentionally breaking a law, but perfectly fine to be punished with 10 years in prison for making a mistake.

    You’re very blatantly playing the role of the racist conservative gleefully cheering on the imprisonment of a person from a group they don’t like, regardless of the justness of the reason, and you have no idea.

    Do I fuck around and attempt to find out? No.

    Again, you keep trying to paint it as them intentionally breaking the law. There is no indication of this. It seems just dishonest at this point to continually frame it this way. They didn’t “attempt to find out” they fucked up. Why is this so hard for you to admit?