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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • While I did misunderstood the goal of your comment, sry for that, it still holds some truth and might be applied concept wise to what you meant.

    Refusing to pay taxes is, as much as refusing to vote politically, a refuse to participate. Why should someone get a say in something that they refuse to be a part of?

    We are on the same side, even if it’s not directly obvious. You showed that with you second point. By voting with you wallet for corporations that fulfill your values, you choose to give them more power over other corporations that don’t.

    The same concept applies to voting politically. You give your vote to a party that fulfills your values over a party that doesn’t.

    I the real world not paying taxes is not an option, as much as it’s not an option to not spend any money on any corporation, if your part of the society. We are able to choose in a given context, that for sure has its limitations.

    Let’s say your not happy with the possible options that you can vote for, be it a financial or a political vote, you are free to fill the niche you think is missing. Start being active politically or economically and if there are more people that think like you and act according to this, things can change.

    But if nobody does this, things will definitely move in the direction of the values from people that do the things above.

    There is the famous phrase. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

  • That’s the Standart in about every developed nation on this planet. I don’t get it either what the USA is trying to accomplish there.

    A thing that isn’t obvious seeing that insanely inflated prices is, that these are prices for individuals and won’t be payed by insurances. If you have let’s say a 70k hospital bill, the insurance might just say we only pay you 8k. The hospital then takes the 8k and writes of the other 68k as a loss. This results in the hospital not earning any money on paper and they don’t pay taxes.

    My favorite thing to look at, when it comes to these inflated prices in USA Healthcare ae the prices of saline solution.

    Have a read if you’re interested.


  • The 120k went into the label, he pumped another million into her directly just for the first album.

    btw I tried to find a trustfull source for the claim that it was only 120k. There are different numbers thrown around, while the 120k is the lowest. The source of that number is Wikipedia and the 2 linked “resources” for that don’t mention it. One of the 2 resources is even an article that is not about Tailor Swift but rather one about some Tobey Keith instead.

    I don’t think it was disclosed. I couldn’t find any proof about the amount.

    She was 14 when “signing” the record label contract.

    This is basically the moment where they used that load of money.And everyone who is thinking that she is a self-made anything is blind by choice.

    Parents throwing Kids at that age into international careers make me at least sceptical about their motivation. That it seems to have worked out this time, doesn’t change that at all.