• 3 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2019


  • She fully supported Bernie Sanders in 2016. She ran as a progressive in 2020 against Bernie with almost identical policies, and then suddenly endorsed Biden when she realized Bernie wasn’t going to win. She then started going on Fox etc. and trashing Biden, and now is endorsing Trump. She has run the entire political spectrum according to who she thinks is likely to win and give her a cabinet position without regard to policy. Also she is part of a Hawaiian cult that wants to take over the world.

  • I won’t argue against the idea of sending aid to Ukraine on principle, but I will just mention a few considerations:

    1. Ukraine relies on conscription. Men are being arrested off the street to join the front lines. Millions of men have fled the country, and are now being hunted down in the places they fled to src. In supporting Ukraine’s military, the US and EU allies are inadvertently supporting military slavery.
    2. The Ukrainian government has a corruption issue, and it is likely that a lot of the aid being sent is being embezzled. src 1 src 2

    Point 1 could be rectified by conditioning aid on reversing the draft. Point 2 may be more difficult to address.