Head Shota In Charge of Shota Services & lover of Massive Mommy Milkers.

Genuine cripple who can’t eat food. Deemed “Ableist” by the masses.

Will associate with anyone, even if I disagree with their opinions. If they give me respect, I will give them respect.

  • 163 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Kbin has many of the same issues lemmy does, specifically there’s no way to clear old image cache making it essentially a growing storage nightmare. There’s also been no updates to the software in over 4 months and the last time burger tried updating it, everything broke, forcing us to go to a backup.

    It feels like it would be going down a similar rabbit hole where the expense the instance would require to keep running would just grow and grow, and I wouldn’t be able to shoulder such a growing expense.

    However, we’d be willing to look into setting up mbin as the project matures, since it’s getting updates rather frequently.

    as far as shota.nu. It’s running open-source software called linx-server

  • Shota house is invite only because while it has a similar mission, it’s more so my cozy space. It’s existed for a while before Burggit and has always been on an approval only basis, this is to make moderation easier on me and also protect myself from bad actors and what not.

    While i’d love to connect burggit and shota house in a way which would automatically let people join shota house. If they have had a burggit account for over a certain amount of time and have a certain amount of posts/activity. I’m frankly not technically minded enough to do such a thing. So the process will remain manual.

    As for how I find these various services, there are a ton of various ways to find federated services such as https://fediverse.party/ which is where I first discovered various federated technologies. But I know others exist.

    Shota House and Mastodon are both based on Activitypub. Shota House uses something called Akkoma which is a fork of Pleroma which itself is meant to be a super lightweight version of Mastodon, since Mastodon is legendarily bloated and hard to setup/maintain.

    Hope this answers your questions.

  • While that might be true, people have many different tastes and there’s lots of fetish content on this site. What might be appealing to one person could severely disturbing to another. It’s best not to flash people (in my opinion) with a ton of expanded NSFW images if they do not want to expand them. Back when we had things auto expand and unblurred, I personally saw some things that I was not personally ready for. Not like they outright disturbed me or anything, but they were just more than I was bargaining for in that very moment.

    And having no NSFW shown at all unless you make an account makes the site seem like it’s way less active than it is. We’ve actually noticed a few new faces show up since we implemented the patch, I don’t exactly know if it’s due to the patch or not, but it’s definitely noticeable.

    We tried an app called Boost and didn’t have any issues. And it’d be very difficult for us to make sure the site (which we are prioritizing the desktop experience for) worked on all the apps. Since they all might have their own little quirks as to how they grab/display content.