• 169 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Beats me, people saying “if you’re tired enough you can sleep anywhere”, making me laugh my exhausted ass off (and feel jealous af, but can’t really hold it against them).

    I’ve spent more nights than I can count laid in bed for hours, absolutely shattered, wanting nothing but sleep, and none has come. Then when I do finally fall asleep, it isn’t for long or of any decent quality (as in EtraordinaryJoe’s case - chronic pain will do that to you), so I’m still always tired, and yet still unable to just fall asleep.

    My trick to getting to sleep at night is weed and a meal, to help induce food coma, which again, isn’t quality sleep, but it’s better than nothing…

  • Jfc, you’re a rude condescending ass, and are a much bigger issue in all of this than your ill-conceived bot is.

    Your bot is _not _ a part of the autistic community, no matter how much it may have helped you personally (I’ll repeat - you designed it to help you, it is clearly not what other, actual members of this community are looking for or interested in. Take the L and move on instead of blaming everyone else and pretending we’re simply all too ignorant to understand your genius. That’s not what’s happening here)

  • Fortunately, no one is offering autistic people AI butting in on our behalf. No one is likely to, either, although there will certainly be a lot of new tech to get used to, to have to understand, and probably to have to interact with.
    Neither is anyone offering you AI talking over you, as far as I know, since it’s not really possible.
    Yes, NT’s do that enough already. Nice think about tech. It doesn’t, because it can’t. At least not yet.

    It’s literally what you’re doing here - coming in to autistic spaces with your bot that writes walls of text that barely get to a point and completely ignores the actually autistic people voicing our concerns, as are you.

    you seem to be pretty excited about what you’re saying. I have no interest or need to defend “AI”, and thanks for sharing your perspective and opinion on some topic other than this one, since literally none of that has anything to do with this

    What a condescending and unnecessary addition.

    I don’t think “creepy” comes close to describing something one’s afraid of and doesn’t know anything about

    Creepy is a perfectly accurate way for me to describe your bot, which I am categorically not afraid of, and know everything I need to know about, you not wanting to be confronted with these facts don’t change them. Nor the fact that every interaction I’ve had with both you and your bot so far has made me feel like I’m talking to a 4chan troll putting on their Nice Guy™ act (though I suspect your own replies are coming from the same source as the bots’ are, which would explain it).

    I’m actually seriously alarmed by the way tech has been developing. Far more than you are, clearly.

    And I am extremely alarmed by the way tech has been developing precisely because of shit like this, as well as by the fact that you are clearly and categorically refusing to listen to the members of the community you are trying to condense and mis-represent, which tells me your only concern is your own feelings, not the development of anything, and definitely not the wellbeing of this, and the general, autistic communities.

  • Thanks for confirming everything I thought about this idea - it’s terrible, please stop.

    The last thing autistic people need is AI butting in on “our behalf” and talking over us, NT’s do that enough already (it doesn’t matter who is behind it or programmed it, it is not an authentic autistic voice, and it is taking the space of and talking over those that are. Also the whole description of the bots action reeks of “m’lady” incel vibes, it’s creepy af).

  • THIS is the correct answer.

    Cops don’t bother white supremacists for the sole reason that they are on the same fucking side, and often even share a fucking uniform (be it blue shirt and trousers, or white hood).

    That’s also why they are allowed to have armed protests in the first place, while Black people can’t even fucking walk down the street without being treated as armed and dangerous and shot dead by cops on a regular basis for simply existing. The idea that all leftists need to do is arm themselves if they want an armed protest is so far beyond ignorant, anyone who seriously believes it needs an emergency removal of head from rectum, at the very least…

  • Or just abolish the police entirely. From their inception their sole reason to exist has been to protect the rich and their property, and to oppress the people in the name of the state.

    Otherwise, you’re spot on with the haves vs have-nots and keeping us divided, because it isn’t just money that there are haves and have nots but other privileges too, which those in charge have artificially created to divide us further in service of gaining and maintaining their money and the power it gives them.

    (on a side note, “gypsy” is a slur used against Roma and other Traveller people, and should really only be used if it is being reclaimed by one of them)

  • Most folks are fairly ignorant of their rights due to a combination of lack of schools educating us on rights along with the desperate struggle to keep a roof over our heads

    spot on

    which those taking our rights understand have purposefully designed to be that way.

    We need to seriously encourage real journalism hold shitty police action accountable

    Never going to happen, since the mainstream media is also in service/under control of those taking our rights.

    demand that out rights are met

    Yes, By force. Because force is what we’re facing, and asking nicely (or writing exposés) is never going to free us from under it.