
  • 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I stand on the corner of the street where my customers can see me.

    But in all seriousness, so long as they are doing it by choice and have not been forced into it by criminals or financial difficulties then it’s not a problem. If it’s controlled and safeguarded like any other employment then it’s entirely up to you of you take them up on what they are selling just like anything else.

  • How would star wars even work in a total war game?

    I can see the hero characters like jedi and such fit with how they work in the WarHammer games. Things like tanks and walkers filling the space of single and low unit count monster troops.

    But would regular troopers be standing in lines of 50? I suppose it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think they could make smaller infantry units, but I have always associated the total war games with dragging out the lines of my spears and flanking cavalry rather than flicking small teams of shooters into cover positions

  • Darkard@lemmy.worldtoRimworld@lemmy.worldGotta love artistic pawns
    5 days ago

    Getting it to add the horseshoe pin seems to confuse it too much even with some wording tweaks. But this was one of the best out comes. Mentioning it’s erotic nature makes little difference

    Here’s one from dwarf fortress. A wooden cup encrusted with gems, rings of bone and iron. It couldn’t quite grasp the additional menacing spikes of bone, but it came out quite good I feel