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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • https://lemmy.ml/post/15817802

    Yeah my post there got removed and in my inbox it was cited as ‘Spam,’ even though I was commenting on how that post had (as I said previously) most of the comments removed by moderator(s).

    Tbh .ml is feeling less and less hospitable every time I interact with the instance, which sucks cause when reddit fell, .ml was my go-to. I don’t even want to use my .ml account anymore on principle.

    Here's a pic just in case that one gets deleted.

    New Edit: they removed my comment calling them out and I didn’t even get a message saying why (as if I don’t already know). I’ve also updated the link to go to the main thread, since my comments there get deleted by whatever fascist mod is doing it.

  • I’m wondering the same thing, even though I’m certain the answer is “political or cultural authoritarianism.” If a product sold challenges a demographic in power, even if it’s minimal, that demographic will outlaw it immediately.

    Example: article I saw yesterday about how Vietnamese gov told Steam to stop selling in their country because “the overwhelming library of games overshadows local devs” or something to that effect. The real reason is likely because of games that portray Vietnam in a bad light. From everything I’ve heard of the government there, the country is run by mobsters or similar.