• 136 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • I finally have some time to take a look at your question. There’s that part like you said, that zionism supposes that no matter where Jews live they will always be alien. And also that they “need” to have their own ethnostate as they could never integrate with anyone else. In no uncertain terms, Zionism says that Jews are predisposed to committing genocide.

    The first argument is exactly what Hitler and tbh many (non-Jewish) people before him believed in, he didn’t come out of nowhere. The second is what eugenicists believe.

    Some people don’t like the comparison but it’s becoming more mainstream as the world sees what ‘Israel’ is doing in Gaza. Zionism shares a lot of traits with fascism, to the point we could probably call zionism a form of fascism. Zionism didn’t come out of nowhere either, it shares a history with the rise of proto-fascism of the late 19th century.

  • The pedophile Dershowitz also believes this, but he extends it to all Palestinians. He wouldn’t extend the same definition to ‘Israelis’, however.

    As he is on the side that has the power, he can get away with weasel words. He can legitimately say “of course I don’t want children to be killed” while internally cackling every time a video of dead Palestinian children pops up on his feed.

    He can do this because the child-killing will continue no matter his opinion of it. He knows it will, even if he was somehow influential within ‘Israeli’ politics (he probably is with all the pedos they harbor). He could publicly tell Nethanyahu “Stop killing children”, and they would look at each other with a smile on their face, knowing that the public eats it up.

    As the oppressed side and being on the side of the oppressed, we have to be much more direct with our arguments. I don’t believe any settler is innocent, and saying this instantly puts me at odds with the child rapist Dershowitz who said “sure some people in Gaza are innocent, why not”. However in this case, I was directly rewriting his article to make a point, and thus the line that some settlers might be innocent was included as it was part of the original article (although, from the further arguments in the article, I was actually arguing they can not be innocent, much like Dershowitz was subtly saying the same about Gazans).

    I plan on expanding this argument if I end up writing my own article based on the title of this one, which is looking increasingly more likely.

  • I totally get you. But I think for the first time in months, there is something to look forward to for Palestine. It will not bring back all the dead and maimed children and parents, but it will let Palestine heal. It’s like when you’re sick – constantly in pain, you can barely move, you’re puking your guts out, and the next morning you suddenly feel like new. It’s in the past and just a distant memory now, despite it only happening yesterday.

    What I am unsure about, but which the Resistance is negotiating towards, is the rebuilding of Gaza. I sincerely hope it will happen quickly.

  • Editors rely on marxists.org a lot but I want to move away from them because they outright remove parts they don’t like without telling the reader :( they do have one of the largest repos of (socialist) texts on the web and the HTML format makes it very easy to import to mediawiki, but yeah down the line I would want all marxists org sourced texts to be replaced by other sources, even if we need to hunt down and import a pdf copy (which is a pain and slower).

    We filter by categories as well for countries, the format is always “Library works about X”, X being the country. and there is a public-facing API (though it’s bonked right now)

    More generally we have two library category schemas: Library works by X, Library works about X. Sometimes you might have ‘about the’, e.g. “the USSR”. The Cuba category for example: https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Category:Library_works_about_Cuba (refer to the URL for the schema and not the displayed title, which we can change on the front-end)

    I assume the from and to parameters use the page’s ID which there is no way to predict unfortunately.

    The library homepage is here, it should make more sense with the visuals: https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/ProleWiki:Library

  • Thanks, I wasn’t sure how it was going to work out in a text format 😁

    The reason you don’t get much results is probably because it’s a small blip in their history that they just don’t care to talk much about.

    That is part of it; it just wasn’t a big event – not as big as the western media claims it was, at least – and it was in fact the rioters who initiated the violence, which I think is great from the CPC that they want to contain this event to its historical period and not rehash it any time there’s a protest to crack down on protestors (giving Pelosi “go back to your headquarters in China” vibes, you know). The other part is that she didn’t even use the right search terms, the event is referred to as 4/20 after the month and day the riots started.