• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • How hot Thai food is, is somewhat overblown. It’s the hottest regularly served food in the world, but it’s not hotter than some people enjoy. Their “spicy” comes from red and green chili’s, ginger, peppercorn, and garlic. By far, the hottest of that group is the red chili’s, but those are around 200,000 scoville. I can eat those and not break a sweat.

    The one chip challenge was a lot hotter than any Thai food. Hotter than any of the other challenge or worlds hottest “x” that I’ve tried (friends and stuff gift me these types of things a lot). I’ve bought a lot of sauces that are hotter than it, and it still didn’t have me wishing for something to drink. My mouth just doesn’t react to capsaicin as much as the average persons.

  • You ever hear of mass layoffs at valve? You ever here of disgruntled employees? If them having incomes too low? Of any scandals?

    The guy built and runs a private company. Doesn’t exploit his workers. Doesn’t try to influence government. Isn’t ripping anyone off. Promotes and invests in open source software. Gave permission for anyone who wants to use the os used on steam deck on any other handheld device, and here you are being pissed at him because his company is worth a lot.