• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Clent@lemmy.worldtoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comNice Guy
    7 hours ago

    Sure, as soon as the working class realizes that isn’t the choice. The choice is obvious. People voting for the right, the party for the owner class are being tricked into voting for the same bosses that treat them like shit.

    This prevents the working class people from being elected because the cost of running has been driven up by the right so all we have left are weathly democrats and those that aren’t, those that made the mistake of baretending are ridiculed and the working class who votes right join in the piling.

    They are class traitors and need this both sides narrative to justify being played for the fools they are

  • I don’t know that I would classify it as irony because the toxic male’s response is very predictable. It’s closer to a paradox. If men could universally accept women choosing the bear then would women still choose the bear?

    At the surface, the strongly negative male reaction appears as a subset for why the bear is chosen but upon further exploration it reveals itself as the ultimate example for why the bear is preferred; many men cannot accept female agency.

    At the same time the question reveals the rawest example of toxic masculinity. Despite the toxic males perspective that unlike women, they are not highly emotional creatures, the reality they present of themselves is they are not only highly emotional but are unable or unwilling to control their emotions.