CindyTheSkull [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022

  • Well, ultras go back much further than the CIA does. Lenin famously wrote about the phenomenon as an infantile disorder back in 1920. But that’s not to say that the disorder hasn’t been often used by the likes of the CIA and anticommunists in general as one of the many tools in their bag to smear and discredit actual Marxist-Leninists. There are plenty of genuine ultras out there but finding the line that differentiates them from psyops is usually a fool’s errand. Honestly, I think there are some ultras whose hearts really are in the right place, they just crucially failed at the materialist part of dialectical materialism. The jackass in OP is not one of these.

  • I had already typed up a response to this when I noticed you went back and edited your previous comment to add shit about me “playing games.” So nevermind, not worth it. I’m tired of this obnoxious thing where you make these personal accusations like how I’m “playing games” and about “my posts” (while repeatedly editing your own!) when you don’t even know what you’re talking about wrt to me or the topic. It’s not worth trying to engage with someone who pulls that comment editing shit and attacks me personally for things they made up whole cloth. I’m not playing games here and anyone reading this who wants to learn more about the reality of Lyme and the very real long term problems it causes in many patients diagnosed with it, as well as the hype around unsupported explanations for them that are almost certainly garbage (which I never denied) are welcome to do so without me having to defend myself against your weird toxicity.

  • telling people this is due to mystical nonexistent spirochetes in their blood that can only be treated with a long course of IV antibiotics.

    Right, that’s exactly what I said. Just like I said Long Covid is actually the result of vaccines. Seriously, you’re telling me “my posts” (btw, what are you even referring to? Do we have a history or something?) are this thing you’ve made up in your head about me because I am pointing out the FACT that a condition exists despite many misled denialists. Chronic Lyme is as real as long covid is even though we don’t know what the underlying cause of it is.

    The medical reality is the symptoms people experience

    No shit! Which is because Lyme Disease is real! Fucking hell, what is your problem?

  • It honestly depends on how you want to define it and under what framework. In Marxism the definition of class depends on the relationship to the means of production. Obviously using the Marxist framework is the most accurate to describe what’s actually happening and as Marxists we should use those definitions and try to inform people as best we can that proletariat and bourgeoisie are the two main and oppositional classes (primary contradiction) in capitalism. But like Mardoniush pointed out there still are other classes since the relationship to the means of production can be more complicated than just straight ownership vs labor despite the antagonism of those two classes being the primary contradiction.

    Still, none of those are a “middle class” and you are completely right about how one of the big reasons that term gets heavily used is so the parts of the proletariat that are not impoverished can feel elevated above those who are. But that right there means there is a material difference between certain subsets of the proletariat that gets called “middle class” and “lower class.” There is a large subset that historically in the US was generally well off (comparatively) to the subset that lives in poverty conditions, and it is true that the former subset is shrinking while the latter subset is growing (along with the intensity of the contradictions). It is not wrong to point this out, and “middle class” is definitely not meaningless when used this way, it’s just that using the word “class” to describe this phenomenon is deliberately muddying the waters and it’s not using the term according to a Marxist framework. Don’t mistake that to mean that what the OP article is saying is untrue or isn’t happening, because it most definitely is happening! It’s just bad semantics.

  • I appreciate that comment. I may have been too reactive and harsh in my response, and apologize for that. It is admittedly one of my “peeves” when someone I’d otherwise consider a comrade seems to advocate specifically for killing innocents and children as a means to punish the people who do deserve the pit and worse.

    I absolutely share your anger, even rage for the demon shitstains supplying WP to aid a genocide. And to be clear, it’s not that they don’t deserve to see their own family killed in the same way they are facilitating the unimaginably painful murder of other families, I just personally think it’s important for us as leftists to draw a line against targeting innocent people especially for the sake of vindictiveness. In other words, if we could somehow make the guilty fascists think that was happening to their own family without actually doing that to the innocent members of their family, I’d have zero problem with that, in fact I’d be all for it. Since we were discussing hypotheticals, I actually rather like that one.

    Well wishes to you, I should probably log off for a bit too.

  • You:

    Eh, fuck em. It’s killing somebody’s families either way, might as well be theirs.

    Also you:

    Save your indignation for those who deserve it.

    lol. picard

    If we’re just talking hypotheticals here, why is it so hard for you to say that it would be bad, hypothetically, to kill a 3 year old with white phosphorus?

    What you’re apparently trying to say is that your comments advocating for killing entire families based on the crimes of one of their members is that you’re posing this hypothetical situation to people here on lemmy who are in a position to target/profit from/earn a living from white phosphorus. And that doing so will perhaps get them to imagine the horrors and change their ways. Really? K. Keep fighting that good fight then. As a final note, believe me, those who deserve my indignation aren’t getting any less of it just because I took a moment to call out a chuddy comment.

  • I mean, that is their dream, that is indeed the ultimate capitalist goal that you’re right they have largely achieved. But an important aspect of that capitalist dream world would be to do that in perpetuity, with all this kept in a stable balance they forever control from the top. That is where the dream can never be truly realized. They do have to struggle to maintain it, and while they have been doing an astoundingly good job of that for the most part (despite how well all of us here can see the gaping contradictions, we also rightly lament how communists are an insignificant minority in the west/core and how captured by capital nearly every institution is), that struggle still demands they have to keep inventing increasingly complex and stratified apparatus to keep their contradiction-riddled structure of exploitation afloat.

    And that’s what we’re really talking about here. At what point does that corrosion from the countless contradictions become so extensive that maintenance of the structure becomes a truly lost cause? Where is the point where the downward slide back out of their capitalist dreamworld (the proletarian nightmare) accelerate into the certainty of waking up from it? The answer is necessarily subjective, since we can all pin different moments where we think this has or will happen. But it is an inevitability.

  • Why not skip the middle step?

    Go ask the NATO bloc and their supporters. The obvious and surface answer is that it has to do with making for an easy “us-vs-them” identifier. “Of course they’re bad, they aren’t white like us good wholesome folk are, who are inherently good and wholesome because we’re white, and being good and wholesome makes us right and correct in what we do and you can tell because we’re white. The ones who are bad clearly aren’t like us. They’re not white!” Yes, it is circular reasoning and garbage logic. But I don’t know why you’re getting pissy at us for that instead of the dipshits white people who keep moving the goalposts on the meaning of whiteness, as they always have done to suit their agenda. Take it up with them.