CetaceanPosadist [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2022


  • i have read the news mega almost every day for my stay here and i have personally found it a good bit more difficult to sift through all the comments to find the actual news in the last few months. i thought about bringing this up myself but didn’t want to be a buzzkill.

    i would appreciate if top level comments in the news mega were relevant to current news - doesn’t have to be directly posting news but at least somehow related to current events. i think replies or sub-comments or whatever you call them are fine to be memes or joke responses or whatever and should be exempt - i don’t want things to have to be serious in there and at least for me it’s much easier to pass over the replies when looking for news than it is to search through the top level comments.

  • camera is set at a low and to your left angle, showing the side of your head and your arm lazily scrolling through the official IDF twitter account on a smartphone with the underside of the desk out of focus in the background. after a few moments of this the you suddenly freeze, but your expression isn’t visible so we don’t know why. focus slowly shifts to the background as a dark blob against the desk becomes clear. a stamp reading “MADE IN PALESTINE”. cut to camera from the stamp’s POV, showing your pupils dilating as you stare up into the camera for just a couple silent seconds. explosion. end scene.

  • i don’t particularly think a nuclear first strike, for purposes of an emp or annihilation, is a realistic way to avoid MAD. i have a hard time believing emp-shielding your nukes wasn’t already thoroughly figured out by the soviets and americans in like the 60s - and even if it wasn’t the US will still nuke you back if israel’s arsenal is disabled. while you might theoretically be able to execute a first strike on israel before they could detect you and retaliate, a gamble for the world all on its own, you’re not going to be able to hit america without your launches being detected and being subject to MAD all the same.

    you would be better off just conventionally invading and hoping the human mind just isn’t capable of pushing the big red button than proving it can by pressing it yourself and assuring a response.