• 97 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Yes it’s a common problem with reviewers that they depend on makers to allow them free and early access to review products, if they lose their privileges they are finished as reviewers.
    This is not just for cars, mostly everything in reviews is corrupted by dependencies if not outright bribes.
    Funny thing is I once saw a review of a USB microscope, that was very critical to the product. Yet the review caused sales to shoot through the roof, because although the criticism was true, the product was very cheap, and the problems could be worked around. So even bad reviews can be good, if the price is right and the basic functions work.

  • Wow that’s an outright horror story!! If this is common I don’t see how that won’t hurt Tesla sales over time.
    Tesla probably still has a decent reputation, because they were by far the best electric cars not too many years ago. But I doubt anyone experiencing anything close to what you describe, would buy a Tesla again. It’s pretty often you hear both about the long wait even for simple repairs, but also very expensive repair cost. The creeks and rattles are also often heard complaints, latest with the Cyber Truck, which one reviewer called worse than any truck he had ever tried. Still he gave it a decent review, as being innovative and fun. Which I guess would is fine if you buy it as a toy.

  • slow service and expensive repairs alienated their corporate customers.

    I see statements like this often, especially about Tesla, but I’ve never seen or heard reviewers mention it as a problem compared to other cars.
    Originally low maintenance cost was pushed as a huge advantage for electric cars, because an EV has fewer components that are likely to break.

    But particularly Tesla has been criticized for often very expensive repairs, but also other EV’s where a new battery that may be harmed driving over something, can cost as much as a new car. Where on an ICE car it would be a minor repair.

  • Shame reddit didn’t have the same amount of people jump ship like when everyone left Digg

    For me that would mostly be schadenfreude, people use all kinds of social media I am not at all involved with, and I’ve stopped caring about it.
    The way Reddit is run is all about monetization and stock value now, I seriously doubt they can do anything to attract me again. But it’s better that certain people stay over there IMO.

    I’ve contributed to “Fedihosting Foundation .world group” and I’m considering monthly contribution, as I do use it on a daily basis.

  • This was very informative and interesting to me, Anders Puck Nielsen explains why the “tactical significant results” Russia has achieved at Kharkiv may not mean as much as we might think.

    Important knowledge for us that are not savvy in military expressions.

    But the part afterwords is even more interesting IMO, about how Russia might not even have a strategy to win this war.

    So I thought this would be interesting to others too.


  • This is a pretty gutsy move by Estonia if they do that. Estonia is a small country with most of its border towards Russia. They have little chance to defend themselves if Russia is stupid enough to decide to invade.

    Obviously being a NATO member is the best protection there is for Estonia, but does chapter 5 still work, if Estonia sends personel officially to Ukraine to participate in the defense of Ukraine, even if it isn’t on the front?

    I hope we will see this happen soon, I am pretty sure that if Estonia does it, other countries will follow. That’s the way it’s been with everything else. If one country takes the lead others follow.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe decline of Intel..
    2 days ago

    A decline is ALWAYS relative to something, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense. So what is it really that you mean?

    Intel used to be the undisputed leader both on CPU design and production process. Those positions are both lost, Intel also always used to have huge profits, but has had deficits lately, that used to be absolutely unheard of. They have lost both their economic and technological lead and they have lost marketshare, So how is that not a decline by every measure?