• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Atomicswap is nice if you prefer using BTC as a trading pair to receive Monero with. I have heard good things about exch.cx, but I think they charge like 5% for swaps to Monero. Haveno sounds promising, but is probably months away from being usable. I wouldn’t really recommend doing anything over 5Kworth of fiat per swap on any service though. 1 BTC is insane to me the fees aren’t that high for BTC right now and it would have only taken a little bit more time and a negligible cost in transaction fees to spread that out into like 4 transactions.

    The problem with bisq is you have to pay the transaction fees like 3 or 4 different times because you have to also lock up an amount of BTC pre transaction in case you try to scam someone and then when they send it back to you you also pay that transaction again. Despite monero making up 80% of their transactions they refuse to support it or another trading pair like LTC or BCH to facilitate cheaper trading pairs and that’s seen widely as a problem and the main reason it isn’t more popular.

  • Hey by the way, after we had that discussion bitcoin surpassed silver to become the 8th most valuable asset by market cap on the entire planet More than coca cola and Pepsi combined.

    Also no, money has existed outside of States and Countries before you should look into the Theory of Money and the history behind it

  • The phone thing directly affects competition in the proprietary chip market which affects the phone or laptop or other electronic device you are using to comment on here. The entire system and way of life you live is directly tied to the success of the stock market and in turn economy that system produces. And yes I am very invested in feeding my child, gotta have money to do that. I truly envy those who have never been homeless and have always had family and support to help them, maybe those people wouldn’t understand the value of money the same way because they never had to steal for their food or starve. By the way, after I made this argument Bitcoin surpassed silver to become the 8th most valuable asset in the entire world. More than Coca Cola and Pepsi COMBINED. Being upset about it or wishing it didn’t exist won’t make it go away