• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • This kind of thing is where ML/AI can really shine. Data which is consistent, regular, where there are deep, hidden patterns that are not easy for humans to recognise. It’s very interesting that this came from an LLM, there are so many interesting and surprising applications of them that go beyond asking ChatGPT to write python for you.

    I saw a talk at a conference about a ML model designed to write chemical synthesis instructions. We have tons of systems able to predict synthetic pathways and the like, but not necessarily to predict the best solvents, extraction techniques, etc… and an LLM might provide a way to get there, which I think is amazing.

  • BluesF@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzFutures
    3 days ago

    There’s not so much to mess up on, say, Mars. I mean the terrain is interesting in its way but it’s not like we’d be annihilating complex ecosystems like we are here on earth. We would have to establish significant ecosystems anywhere we settled, in fact.

  • This falls into a common trap. Because we cannot succinctly define a salad in one sentence we decide that it cannot be defined at all. This argument effectively reducto ad absurdums itself by coming to the conclusion that all foods are salad.

    If we start from a position where we discount nothing from being a salad, and we have only salads (and soup, seemingly) to base our analysis on, how can we ever identify the boundaries of salad? The whole argument is based on the flawed premise that anything could be a salad.

    I realise that I am thinking too hard about this.