• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • At this rate i don’t see the bulk moving here because it’s way less user friendly. Many others have made this point much more fluently than i can, but Lemmy just isn’t friendly for non nerds or people who don’t want\have the time to put into learning it. Until there’s an app for lemmy as widely useable as, say, Apollo was, i doubt the masses will come here. Until then it’ll be us committed fediverse dorks who really want to be here - not just any old joe with a phone and wifi who wants to pop in, hurt someone’s feelings for funsies, and run away giggling.

  • You got this!!

    Might i suggest trying to substitute healthy drinks? I’m sure you’ve heard it before. It’s not gonna be fun at first - nothing’s gonna scratch that itch quite like the real thing. But don’t try to go cold turkey. Even if it’s just once a week, when you feel that urge coming on to get a soda and you grab a sparkling water instead(ICE Cherry limeade is my favorite), that’s the start of a good habit. And it gets easier to grab the healthy option every time.

    I had a Pepsi the other day and couldn’t finish it because of how sickly sweet it was. I used to be able to drink a few in a day. Your body will adjust over time. Don’t beat yourself up, and work with your body instead of against it. 😊 If you’re in America, remember that our food is engineered to get us addicted, sick, and coming back for more.

    You’re on the right path. Weight loss isn’t linear!