
If your vegan anarchist grandma and vegan anarchist dad were the same person.

I’m an engineer who cosplays as a vegan farmer. I live in un-ceded Anishinabe Algonquin territory.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Along those lines, but more short term and less intense, lol.

    I don’t really see us moving - we have good groundwater supply and aren’t on a flood plain. Our area has been mapped to a 1-in-350 year event and while I know climate change is unpredictable, I’m not super worried.

    Because the first two years here were so bad we spend a considerable amount of money on things like putting a bit of flooring down in the basement so it would be nicer to hide out there in storms (versus the rough and cold concrete floor) as well as generators and battery backups. I’m sure we will be happy when we need them, but we went a little nuts.

    Hopefully with the weather station we can be more objective about what we are seeing and as we gather data over time, begin to understand our climate and how it is changing.

  • I so heartily agree with this. I usually make beans on Sunday for the week.

    If people have the space and can acquire one, an electric pressure cooker is a game changer. You can cook beans from dry in one hour (+ pressurize and depressurize time). Dried beans are so cheap and store for a very long time. I buy 10 kg at a time for my two person family and store them in large tub. If I remember correctly chickpeas are the most expensive variety I buy and they are $25 CAD for 10 kg, so $2.50 a kg.

    When I make baked beans I use a similar recipe, but it’s tomato sauce, veg bullion, mustard powder, and maple syrup. Sometimes oregano.

    If people haven’t joined already, you can hang out with other bean fans at vegan home cooks <3