AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]

  • 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • You’d think that living in the same house as your landlord would translate to better maintenance. Well tell that to the earwig infestation that surrounds this place. The front door and area around it is covered with them like polka-dots every night when I get home. I have to close my window at night and deny my kitties the smell of the outside because they roam my walls freely. This morning I found one hiding in the clean water compartment of my water filter and I couldn’t wash it with soap because the kitchen sink leaks and has been turned off for two days now.

    I never thought I’d have strong feelings about earwigs until now. They were just the cool looking bug with a pincer butt you’d see occasionally. Now I hate them like cockroaches. They’re the cats of the bug family. Just mocking you, hanging from your ceiling with their butts hanging down like a cheeky cat with its tail up. I’m going through a roll of paper towel a week grabbing them. Tearing full sheets into quarters.