not a man but definitely a political animal

  • 202 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • I hope she changed, but I have a very hard time looking past this incident (CW: TERFism) that happened as recently as 2019. It is deeply unserious for one to “both sides” this kind of matter (as it is with… a lot of matters.)

    [If you wish to read the passage on Hexbear instead...]

    You write that you sympathize with both sides regarding Michfest’s trans-exclusionary guidelines: “I understand the need for trans women to find community with and be accepted by other women, and I understand the need for people with reproductive systems, perceived female at birth, to make space to process their particular relationship to patriarchy.” The need for an exclusive space, I don’t get that, as a stupid man. Could you explain to me why? It seems to me that in your life, as a cis woman, you encounter many other cis women with whom you can discuss reproduction. To have an institution that excludes such a tiny piece of the population would seem only to serve to hurt those people.

  • You ever see someone try to make an argument against someone’s point, but their rhetoric is so bad that they just end up accidentally making an argument for that person’s point?

    Criticizing carnist ideology is a part of being vegan, and nevertheless, regardless of how many nerves of non-vegans on Hexbear are struck, this is supposed to be a space where staunch ethical vegans in favor of total animal liberation can express their ideology without the typical divisiveness that comes with many leftist discussions of veganism.

    The sidebar literally says that carnists, apologists, and babysteppers are just flat-out not allowed. This comm is intended to be a vegan space for and by vegans, and for carnists like yourself to barge into a space that’s not for them at all every time their destructive habits receive criticism from an ideological portion of Hexbear that is welcome and protected by the Hexbear Code of Conduct is the reason why I made this post to fucking begin with.

    Your perspective on there being some grand material difference between posting “anti-carnist” content and “pro-vegan” content is deeply unserious, but since you’re clearly not vegan (meaning you’re violating the rules of the comm), I’m not expecting you to understand even the most basic premises of promoting animal liberation. This type of take is about as productive as saying posts shouldn’t be “anti-capitalist,” and they should just be “communist” instead.

    You are the exact kind of carnist my original post is talking about, accusing me of “insulting” people like you and “picking fights” when you people, by this community’s very own rules, are not even supposed to engage in the first place.

    If it’s truly a bother, comrade, click away because you’re not doing any favors otherwise. Regardless if I post 1 rant, 2 rants, 3 rants, or whatever about non-vegans, the points you are making hold zero substance when you consider the true nature of this scenario.